Autome 20th, 22221

Isha Araiguma

Isha Araiguma

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Isha Araigima, a name he chose later in life, was the first and only son of a clan. Most of the clan did more physically demanding work, such as hunting and building, and wanted Isha to do the same. He wanted something much different from that. Isha took a keen interest in academics, particularly concerning the physical body, ailments, and alchemy. In secret, Isha began to study everything he could. He first taught himself to read and write before going on to different languages and alchemy. He quickly became fascinated by illnesses and cures and how they affected the body, with that becoming the forefront of most of his studies. And when he started teaching himself about the physical body, he was excited about the prospect of potentially having another arm, as he was born without his right arm. When he decided to introduce his studies to the clan, he was excited. Isha wanted to help his tribe in this way, as many clansmen died of diseases and wounds. The clan was too stuck in their ways, however, and took away everything Isha had been using to study and pushed more physical tasks onto him in order to keep him from studying. Isha's resentment towards his people grew, leading to him sneaking away. On the night that he did, he gathered all his things that he could carry and said one final goodbye to his sisters before running off into the night. Isha stopped a couple towns away, somewhere his clan would never look for him. He struggled to find what he needed, as anyone he tried to talk to had dismissed him as vermin. Eventually, he met Daylen and Alva Goldrudder, a couple who owned a clinic. The couple took him in, bringing him to their clinic and started training him in both medical and alchemical fields. It was with them that he learned how to brew potions, and began to experiment with his own concoctions, and where he learned his trade as a doctor. Once he could, Isha signed up for mercenary work. This was the first time he used the name Isha Araiguma Early on in his career, Isha barely got any jobs and barely had money. So when Isha had to cross open water to get to his job, he was in trouble. Upon investigating the matter of transportation, he found a pirate crew who was willing to give him free transportation in exchange for free healing potions. This was the first time he met Eissturm Verfolger. A few years later, Isha was doing much better as a mercenary. One day when he was walking back home, he found Eissturm injured on the road. Isha helped Eissturm and healed his injuries, saying that that was the only favor he was going to do. This turned out to be false when Eisstrum kept getting into trouble and Isha kept getting Eissturm out of trouble. This led to Eissturm following Isha around and escorting caravans.
Chaotic Neutral
Grey and Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
50 lbs


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