Autome 20th, 22221

Land Yacht

Land Yachts are a staple of the People of the Sun . They allow for quick and safe travel in the Ethereal Waste's . Before the invention of these land skimmers, travelers of the waste were reliant on caravans and massive wagons pulled by Mekilliots . Even the first of the yachts could travel over three times as fast as the wagons and carry the same cargo.   Today these crafts have many shapes and forms. From the small personal yachts to the massive commercial vessels of the Dragonscale Trading Company . Despite these differences, they do share many of the same aspects. They all share a shallow hull on some form of skids and their masts and sails. There is always room for at least one person in a covered area to give shade from the unrelenting suns. Another thing of note is that none of the land craft have any magic onboard due to the many magical dead zones in the wastes. This made for many difficulties before they realized how to harness the wind. Something there always seems to be plenty of in the wastes. With many collaborative efforts between the People of the Sun and the Volognomes using technology instead of magic has made the land yacht the preferred mode of transport in the desert today.   The massive pleasure yachts make the pilgrimage to Tower of the Elements for the wealthy a holiday compared to the ancient journey of millennia past. They can relax in the climate-controlled compartments of the vessels or if they wish, go out upon the deck and enjoy the desert air. They even have the option to wash off the desert dust. Meanwhile, the poor do everything they can to ensure they do not die of thirst.   As lovely as all the modern amenities can be. There are two main goals of all land yachts. First and foremost is protection. Protection is broken into two categories offensive and defensive. For defense, the covered area on any ship can work as a barrier against any would-be aggressors. Some sizeable modern craft are outfitted with compartments encased in some of the best armor money can buy. The gambit ranges from a firearm or crossbow in the boat to the elaborate artillery found today for offensive protection.   The second purpose of the vehicles is speed. The faster you can get out of the waste, the better. While not all are built for pleasure, all are built for speed. Specialty yachts have been known to travel more than 200 mph. The sail systems on these vehicles vary wildly between craft. However, one feature that has not changed since the development of the first land yacht is the collapsable sail system that quickly allows a ship to drop the sails and cover the body like a massive tent. When unexpected sand storms roll across the desert, the craft can drop anchor and collapse sails in moments, giving added protection during a sand storm.
Sand Skimmers


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