Autome 20th, 22221



Physical & Chemical Properties

Tourmaline can be found in a variety of colors, though pink is the most sought-after. It is most unique in its ability to hold an electrical charge, making it a coveted resource for weaponsmiths.

History & Usage


After the first case of electrocution caused by this metal has made mining more difficult at first, they used to probe digging areas. This method was not very exact and there were still many accidental deaths and injuries caused. Later in the 5th century, with a little techno-wizardry, they created a device that would scan a large section of earth for minerals, gems, and other rocks and returns a report to the scanning device. This also made mining much more exact when searching for viens.


Long ago, when the gnomes were in the mines near Lockgear an unfortunate fellow was swinging his pick and exposed some Tourmaline that had been under the pressure of the earth. When his pickax tip sunk into the rare ore, he was shot from the electrical charge across the room. Lucky for him, the ax handle was wood. Otherwise, he could have easily lost his life.

Industrial Use

Due to its difficulty to work with, it is only used in smaller amounts most of the time. It is highly coveted to be turned into weapons. However, it is used mostly in power generating items like Tourmaline Mainsprings, Tourmaline Batteries and Tourmalin Turbines


The refinement process is increadibly difficult due to the fact that high temperatures and pressure cause the metal to make electricity. So when heating or shaping the material with presses or even hammers they have to attach a special cable that will extract the electricity and allow them to work shock free.


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