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Other Factions

This is an extended document on the other factions in the city of Industriae.

The Wheel of Wild Magic

The Wheel of Wild Magic is a crime syndicate based in the Dark Rim of the Common's Slice. The exact location of their base is unknown (DM Secret: its at an old, rundown casino called the Wheel of Wild Magic. This can be found from interrogating a member of the faction.)


The Wheel is made up of a heiarchy. The lowest members are the grunts who get the materials for heists and perform scouting missions. Slightly above them are the foremen who manage the manuevering of these materials and report to the bosses. At the top are the bosses, who are a council of crime lords with members such as Calixar (Beholder), Ivanska (Disguised Blue Dragon), Lloid (Cult of the Dragon member), and Kinekuk (Thri-kreen mafia boss).


The faction's namesake, a casino built in the city's youth, was owned by Calixar who would trade gold for chances to spin a wheel that, as the name implied, acted as a magic item that would perform a random act of magic. However, when the Common's Slice started becoming more built up and folk stopped coming, Calixar lost his motivation to keep going. Soon, to fund his interests, he started hiring people to steal things for him to sell. Eventually he started working with Ivanska and Lloid, who were small crime bosses at the time. Soon they had a good thing going for them, which improved once Kinekuk and his gang joined. Of course, this made them some enemies among the folk who associate with the law.

The Feline Adventuring Guild

The Feline Guild is an adventuring guild located in the Merchant's Slice, near the harbor.


The Feline Guild lacks a rigid structure. Most of the members who stay on site manage the income of materials and funds, as well as sell wares to fund bigger projects. Almost all of them are Catfolk, except for the faction leader, who's a white dragonborn. This dragonborn is called Cryomal, brother to Astaroth the cat god, and one of the sons of Malice the scourge of Russia. He started the guild in the city as a way for him to still be involved in adventuring while retired. Members of the guild who travel on the field are adventuring parties who Cryomal hired to acquire items for him who come back enough to be logged as guild members.

Public Agenda

The guild's purpose is effectively to give work for adventurers, which Cryomal has declared is because he would often do missions without getting payed in the end, and he didn't think that was very fair. However, anyone who is aware of Russia's history knows that statement isn't quite true. To his employs, he actually hires them to perform heists as encouragement to do their own heists, because he thinks there should be more heists in the world.

The Horizon Guard

The unofficial police of Industriae. They formed after the Mechanites proved to not particularly care about the crime in the city.


The Horizon Guard has no singular leader. In fact, they have four different stations scattered around the city that are only affiliated via name. These each have their own chiefs who are known as Superiors, who are not in contact with one another nor have they likely met each other. This means they are quite unorganized, and not very effective at their job.


The Horizon Guard, while having four unaffiliated completely different stations, does have a split in organization unrelated to this. There exist two notable sects with opposing views, the Dawn Guard and the Dusk Guard. The Dusk Guard are more commonly known among the Common's Slice for their arrogance. It is their view that criminals, and anyone else who opposes the law, should rot in a cell. While they are quite hubristic and willing to physically harm individuals they deem criminals, they won't kill anyone. Killing someone is a step over the line for them. They also have a reputation for being cowards, as none of them will dare step into the Dark Rim, and very few will even enter the Twilight Slice. The Dawn Guard are generally more lenient. While they do arrest criminals on sight, they make sure they recieve a fair trial, and generally treat them kindly the whole time. They believe rehabilitation can turn Illics into law abiding citizens, and hold this view everywhere. These guys are braver than their counterparts, willing to enter the Twilight Rim as easily as the Day Rim, and a few will even attempt to guard the Dark Rim. Of course, they don't come back, but they at least make the attempt. While they try to see the best in everyone, this means that they can be manipulated by a cunning Illic who wants to get out unscathed.

The Shipmasters

The folk who manage the docks. They keep records of incoming and outgoing ships, shipments, crewmembers, passengers, and repairs.


The Shipmasters are led by an executive by the name of Valasd (with a silent 's'), a Halfling (disguised young Crystal Dragon) who enjoys gathering said records. She keeps them in a room filled with drawers where she keeps every file alphabetized. She organizes the records herself. Under her command are several clerks who interview people entering or exiting the city as well as sailors and write the information in the records.


The Shipmasters own a row of buildings between the docks and the rest of the city, where they collect information as a toll of sorts. These were all bought and built by Valasd in the city's youth, almost immediately after she first arrived.

The Deathbreakers

Ominous name, but misleading. The Deathbreakers are a group of healers dedicated to providing medical and magical treatment to all people in Industria. Whatsmore, they provide this service for nothing in return, a rare aspect to find in any guild in the planes outside of Mount Celestia.


Due to the Deathbreaker's charitable services, they are sparsely staffed. In light of this, they are quite organized. Their leader is a satyr by the name of Lodor, the lead doctor and healer. Below him is a secondary healer who assists when he is absent, and below them another healer, and so on. All of them are trained to the same level of healing and diagonostic ability as Lodor.

The Necrolegulus

For a very, very long time, most Mechans assumed the Mechanites and their machines took care of burying the dead. Until very recently, that is, when the Necrolegulus were discovered.


It is unknown who leads the Necrolegulus, or why they would want to perform this task. However, it is known by a few how they operate. There exists a legure where the names, place of residence, and occupation of the dead are written. This is done by a clerk, who's name is unkown, however they prove to be very useful source of information if you know where to find them. In general, their employs include a variety of undead folk, or just the same three people. It is unknown which is which, especially since these folk don't talk to anyone save other undead.

Cog Rats

There is a heavy debate amongst the Mechans about whether to consider these an actual clan. They have no structure or known history or anything that usually constitutes a faction, yet they are almost as numerous as the population itself. Many stories have circled around about folk who have been revealed as fifty Cog Rats in a trench coat, and you can find them on the streets after dark (and even moreso in the sewer system). They speak modron, however, leading many to believe they were the result of experiments made by the Commerce Guild when the guild was making their Wheelers.
Guild, Professional
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