Dwarf Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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The dwarves of the world connected to the world itself through the stone and soil. Their short but powerful builds can bend the ground itself to suit their needs and remain in place for generations. This endurance of building suits their long lifespans well: once a dwarven civilization is built it is unlikely to change much without significant outside influence. Their staunch adherence to the ways of their forebears makes them appear harsh and cold to surface-dwellers, but those who work hard are wont to play hard as well.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Dwarves are the sturdy folk of the world. They are shorter than almost all humans and elves, though they do carry several inches over halflings. They tend be very stout and muscular and vary less in their builds and general appearance than other races as they are particularly well-suited to settling into one place and molding it to their needs. Males and females tend to be approximately the same height though the males typically weigh notably more than females. They are able to see in the dark.   Most dwarves have lighter skin tones than other races due to their tendency to live underground and their undertones can vary with pink, yellow, or olive. Freckles and tans are rare as they tend to rarely expose themselves to sunlight for long periods, though those who do choose to live on the surface can eventually achieve a tan. Their facial features tend to be broad and noteable, making them easy to distinguish from each other even in dark caves. Eye colors are usually lighter, ranging from amber to gray and may take gemlike hues in the presence of magic. Their hair is usually quite thick and varies in texture, and trends from medium brown to platinum blond with a notably high incidence of reddish hues. Their hair often whitens with age and many males lose the hair on their head in old age. Males are capable of growing grandiose beards and females are often seen with thick sideburns though they cannot grow beards or mustaches.
Approximately 160 years
Average Height
4ft - 5ft
Average Weight
150lbs - 220lbs
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