Elf Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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The elves of the world hold the greatest connection to nature, no matter where in nature they find themselves. Their long lifespans allow them to to gently mold their environments to their needs; growing beautiful civilizations of forest greenery, majestic castles of sand and sea glass, or carved into cliff faces. Their cultures shift slowly across the centuries, often perceived only by examining historical records. This pace of life can make the elves seem aloof and uncaring to those who have less time on the world but the beauty and longevity of their creations are the envy of all.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Elves are among the tallest of the common races, matching the median range of humans. Their build is generally willowier than other races, making them appear delicate and graceful even when and individual’s strength matches other peoples. Their build may vary based upon the region in which they settle but to a lesser degree than humans as they reproduce at a much slower pace. Males are only slightly taller and larger than females. They are able to see in the dark.   Skin tones vary similarly to humans from nearly obsidian dark to alabaster fair with similarly pink, yellow, or olive undertones. Freckles are very rare but possible in every skin tone. In addition to their slightly elongated, pointed ears their facial features are the finest of the races and seem to slightly resemble the fauna of the regions where they live. Their eyes are generally slightly larger and spaced slightly farther apart than the other races, giving a deer-like appearance. Eye colors can be any color on the spectrum with saturated and dark colors being more common than pastels. Hair textures vary as widely as humans with a greater color range including desaturated pastel or dark pinks, purples, reds, greens, and blues. Their hair usually whitens as they age but it does not fall out as many other races’ do. Neither males nor females are capable of growing facial hair.
Approximately 200 years
Average Height
5ft - 6.5ft
Average Weight
80lbs - 150lbs
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