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Mind flayers that pursue arcane magic are exiled as deviants, and for them no everlasting communion with an elder brain is possible. The road to lichdom offers an alternative way to escape the permanency of death, but that path is long and fraught with barriers. Alhoons are mind flayers who have used a shortcut to attain a lichlike state.   Elder brains forbid mind flayers from pursuing magic power aside from psionics, but it isn't an interdiction they must often enforce. Illithids brook no masters but members of their own kind, so it isn't in their nature to bow to any god or otherworldly patron. However, wizardry remains a temptation. In the pages of a spellbook, an illithid sees a system to acquire authority. Through the writings of the wizard who penned it, the illithid perceives the workings of a highly intelligent mind. Most mind flayers who find a spellbook react with abhorrence or indifference, but for some, a spellbook is a gateway to a new way of thinking.   For a time, the study of such forbidden texts can be hidden from other illithids and even from an elder brain. Yet eventually, mind flayer arcanists determined to pursue wizardry must flee the colony for their own safety. Once they taste freedom from the colony, some prize their privacy, others seek to commune with similar minds, and still others seek to dominate a colony by elevating themselves to the position of leadership normally held by an elder brain. Regardless, all such arcanists face the same stark fact: when they die, they will not join the host of minds in the elder brain—deviant minds are never accepted as part of the collective. For them, death means oblivion.   Lichdom offers salvation and the prospect of being able to pursue knowledge indefinitely. Yet learning the secret of achieving lichdom requires an arcane spellcaster to be at the apex of power—a significant challenge for mind flayers, given the scarcity of available mentors and training.   Confronting this reality, a group of nine mind flayer arcanists used their arcane magic and psionics to weave a new truth. These nine called themselves the Alhoon, and those who follow in their footsteps are referred to by the same name.
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