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Arcane Study

Level 5 Bastion Facility

  • Prerequisite: Ability to use an Arcane Focus as a Spellcasting Focus
  • Space: Roomy
  • Hirelings: 1
  • Order: Craft (1d4 BP)
An Arcane Study is a place of quiet research that contains one or more desks and bookshelves.   When you issue the Craft order to this facility, choose one of the following options:
  • Craft: Arcane Focus. You commission the facility’s hireling to craft an Arcane Focus. The work takes 7 days and costs no money. The Arcane Focus remains in your Bastion until you claim it, or you can have it sold for 10 GP.
  • Craft: Book. You commission the facility’s hireling to craft a blank Book. The work takes 7 days and costs you 10 GP. The Book remains in your Bastion until you claim it, or you can have it sold for 25 GP.
The Arcane Study also imparts the following benefit:
  • Cast Identify. After spending a Long Rest in your Bastion, you can cast Identify once within the next 7 days without expending a spell slot or using Material components.

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