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Astral Projection

Traveling through the Astral Plane by means of the astral projection spell involves projecting one’s consciousness there, usually in search of a gateway to an Outer Plane to visit. Since The Outer Planes are as much spiritual states of being as they are physical places, this allows a character to manifest in an Outer Plane as if he or she had physically traveled there, but as in a dream. A character’s death — either in the Astral Plane or on the destination plane — causes no actual harm. Only the severing of a character’s silver cord while on the Astral Plane (or the death of his or her helpless physical body on the Material Plane) can result in the character’s true death. Thus, high-level characters sometimes travel to The Outer Planes by way of Astral Projection rather than seek out a portal or use a more direct spell.   Only a few things can sever a traveler’s silver cord, the most common being a psychic wind. The legendary silver swords of the githyanki also have this ability. A character who travels bodily to the Astral Plane (by means of the Plane Shift spell or one of the rare portals that leads directly there) has no silver cord.
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