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Azgrah (Lord of the Deep Dwelling)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Category: Lesser Idols of Exandria
Domains: None
Pantheon: Exandria
Province: The Undying   The underground citadel of Emberhold, along with the subterranean territories surrounding it, pays fealty to the Crawling King as master of the underground. However, for all but the King's most faithful, the homage they pay to him is a distant second to their veneration of Azgrah, Lord of the Deep Dwelling. This mighty champion is a Duergar warrior who completed six heroic labors in his prime, all of which have been frequently enshrined in bardsong, from the wooing of Prince Lhebeno to the Conquest of the Amber Worm—in which he defeated a servant sent by the Crawling King to punish the present Queen of the Emberhold for her impiety.   Azgrah has enjoyed an incredibly long life, even for a Duergar, and now lives in isolation in a temple deep within the Amber Worm's writhing tunnels. He is tended to only by his most trusted warlocks, and is venerated by all as the Lord of the Deep Dwelling, and as the Dwarf who will emerge in the Emberhold's hour of greatest need.
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