Callarduran Smoothhands Character in Dungeons & Dragons | World Anvil
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Callarduran Smoothhands

Alignment: Neutral
Category: None
Domains: Knowledge, Nature
Pantheon: Gnome
Province: Mining, stone carving
Symbol: Golden signet ring with six pointed star   Callarduran became the patron of the Deep Gnomes when he led them into the Underdark and taught them how to survive, but all Gnomes see him as the embodiment of the drive to know more, to examine everything more minutely-and thereby make great discoveries.   Callarduran earned his moniker when, after stealing the heart of Ogrémoch, he rubbed his hands smooth as he polished the heart and turned it into a magical stone. The theft caused Ogrémoch to turn to evil, but it gave Callarduran the power to control earth elementals-which, it is said, he can confer to Deep Gnomes by rubbing the stone and saying their names.
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