Enemies of Elemental Air Myth in Dungeons & Dragons | World Anvil
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Enemies of Elemental Air

In service to the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, Aarakockra scout the planes in search of temples of Elemental Evil. They spy on malign elemental creatures and then either take the fight to those creatures or report back to the Wind Dukes.   On the Material Plane, Aarakockra create aeries atop the highest mountains, especially peaks near portals to the Elemental Plane of Air. From such heights, Aarakockra watch for signs of elemental incursions, as well as for nascent threats to their home plane. Aarakockra prefer to live their lives like the wind-unburdened and ever moving-yet they watch over a region for years if that's what it takes to guard against the incursions of Elemental Evil.   Aarakockra have no concept of political borders or property ownership, and the value of gems, gold, and other precious materials means little to Aarakockra. In their eyes, a creature should use what is necessary and then cast what is left on the wind for others to use.
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