Haughty but Gracious Myth in Dungeons & Dragons | World Anvil
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Haughty but Gracious

Although they can be haughty, Elves are generally gracious even to those who fall short of their high expectations—which is most non-Elves. Still, they can find good in just about anyone.   Dwarves. “Dwarves are dull, clumsy oafs. But what they lack in humor, sophistication, and manners, they make up in valor. And I must admit, their best smiths produce art that approaches elven quality.”   Halflings. “Halflings are people of simple pleasures, and that is not a quality to scorn. They’re good folk, they care for each other and tend their gardens, and they have proven themselves tougher than they seem when the need arises.”   Humans. “All that haste, their ambition and drive to accomplish something before their brief lives pass away—human endeavors seem so futile sometimes. But then you look at what they have accomplished, and you have to appreciate their achievements. If only they could slow down and learn some refinement.”
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