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With the Influence Action, you can try to influence another creature to do something you request or demand. This Action can be used only on creatures controlled by the DM, and it isn’t mind control; it can’t force a creature to do something that is counter to the creature’s alignment or that is otherwise repugnant to the creature.   This Action has three main parts: Attitude, interaction, and a Charisma Check.


A creature’s Attitude determines how a character can influence that creature. Each DMcontrolled creature has one of the following Attitudes toward the player characters:
  • Indifferent. This is the default Attitude for DMcontrolled creatures. An Indifferent creature might help or hinder the party, depending on what the creature sees as most beneficial. A creature’s indifference doesn’t necessarily make it standoffish or disinterested. Indifferent creatures might be polite and genial, surly and irritable, or anything in between. A successful Charisma Check is often necessary when the adventurers try to persuade an Indifferent creature to do something.
  • Friendly. A Friendly creature wants to help the adventurers and wishes for them to succeed. For tasks or actions that require no particular risk, effort, or cost, Friendly creatures often help happily. If an element of personal risk is involved, a successful Charisma Check might be required to convince a Friendly creature to take that risk.
  • Hostile. A Hostile creature opposes the adventurers and their goals but doesn’t necessarily attack them on sight. The adventurers need to succeed on one or more challenging Charisma Checks to convince a Hostile creature to do anything on the party’s behalf; however, the DM might determine that the Hostile creature is so ill-disposed toward the characters that no Charisma Check can sway it, in which case the first check fails automatically and no further Influence attempts can be made on the creature unless its Attitude shifts.


When you take the Influence Action, either roleplay how your character interacts with the creature or describe your character’s behavior— focusing on your character’s request or demand. If the interaction is especially suited to the creature’s desires and outlook, the DM might grant Advantage to your subsequent check or might temporarily shift a Hostile creature to Indifferent or an Indifferent creature to Friendly.   Similarly, if the interaction is particularly irksome to the creature, the DM might impose Disadvantage on your subsequent check or might temporarily shift a Friendly creature to Indifferent or an Indifferent creature to Hostile.

Ability Check

To determine whether your request or demand is successful, you make a Charisma Check (Animal Handling, Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion the applicable Skill depends on the interaction, with Animal Handling being reserved for Beasts and Monstrosities. Also, each request or demand requires a different check.   The creature’s Attitude determines the DC required to achieve a specific response, as shown in the Influence Responses table.

Influence Responses

DCIndifferent Creature's Response
10 The creature does as asked, as long as no risks or sacrifices are involved.
20 The creature accepts a minor risk or sacrifice to do as asked.
DCFriendly Creature's Response
10 The creature accepts a minor risk or sacrifice to do as asked.
20 The creature accepts a significant risk or sacrifice to do as asked.
DCHostile Creature's Response
10 The creature offers no help but does no harm.
20 The creature does as asked, as long as no risks or sacrifices are involved.

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