Parleying with Monsters in Dungeons & Dragons | World Anvil
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Parleying with Monsters

Meeting a monster doesn't have to spark a fight. An offering, like food, can calm some hostile monsters, and sapient creatures often prefer to talk than to draw weapons. If the adventurers try to parley with a monster, you may improvise the encounter or use the social interaction rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Consider granting the characters advantage on any ability check they make to communicate with a creature if they offer something it wants. The "Monsters' Desires" section below suggest things that a creature might like, depending on its type.

Monster Research

Adventurers can research what a creature is likely to desire. The Monster Research table suggests which skills can be used to learn about a creature of a particular type. The DC for a relevant ability check equals 10 + the creature's challenge rating.  
TypeSuggested Skills
Aberrations  Arcana 
Beasts  Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival
Celestials  Arcana or Religion
Constructs  Arcana 
Dragons  Arcana, History, or Nature
Elementals Arcana or Nature
Fey Arcana or Nature 
Fiends  Arcana or Religion
Giants  History 
Humanoids  History 
Monstrosities  Nature or Survival 
Oozes  Arcana or Survival 
Plants  Nature or Survival 
Undead  Arcana or Religion

Monsters' Desires

d4Aberrations Desired Offering
1 The brain or other organs of a rare creature
2 Flattery and obsequiousness
3 Secrets or lore it doesn't already know
4 Accepting a strange, organic graft onto your body
d4Beasts Desired Offering
1 Fresh meat
2 A soothing melody
3 Brightly colored beads, cloth, feathers, or string
4 An old stuffed animal or other soft trinket
d4Celestials Desired Offering
1 The tale of a heroic figure
2 An oath to do three charitable deeds before dawn
3 The crown of a defeated tyrant
4 A holy relic or treasured family heirloom
d4Constructs Desired Offering
1 Oil to apply to the construct's joints
2 A magic item with charges, to be used as fuel
3 A vessel infused with elemental power
4 Adamantine or mithral components
d4Dragons Desired Offering
1 Gold or gems
2 Anything from a draconic rival's hoard
3 An antique passed down at least three generations
4 A flattering artistic depiction of the dragon
d4Elementals Desired Offering
1 A gem worth at least 50 gp, which the creature eats
2 An exceedingly pure sample of a favored element
3 A way to return the elemental to its home plane
4 Performing a dance from the elemental's home plane
d4Fey Desired Offering
1 The memory of your first kiss
2 The color of your eyes
3 An object of deep sentimental value to you
4 Reciting a sublime poem
d4Fiends Desired Offering
1 Your soul
2 A desecrated holy object
3 Blood from a living or recently slain loved one
4 Breaking a sacred promise in the fiend's presence
d4Giants Desired Offering
1 A dwarf admitting giant-craft to be superior to dwarf-craft
2 A strong working animal
3 Multiple barrels of ale
4 Treasure stolen from a rival giant
d4Humanoids Desired Offering
1 Promising to find a lost item of great importance to their culture
2 Challenging them to a type of friendly contest, such as dancing, singing, or drinking
3 Recovering something they've lost
4 Information on a foe's secrets or weaknesses
d4Monstrosities Desired Offering
1 Dislodging the stuck scraps of the creature's last meal
2 The creature's favorite food
3 Driving off the creature's rival
4 Making movements that mimic the monster's mating dance
d4Oozes Desired Offering
1 A vial of putrid liquids
2 A cloth bearing a noxious odor
3 Bones or metal, which the ooze promptly absorbs
4 A gallon of any effervescent fluid
d4Plants Desired Offering
1 A pound of mulch
2 Water from a spring infused with Feywild energy
3 Clearing invasive vegetation from the creature's territory
4 Destroying all axes and fire-making implements the party carries
d4Undead Desired Offering
1 A vial of blood
2 A personal memento from the creature's past
3 Materials, tools, or the skills to sun-proof a crumbling mausoleum
4 Completing a task the creature was unable to finish in life

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