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The Dawnfather

Alignment: Neutral Good
Alternate Names: Pelor
Category: Prime Deities
Domains: Life, Light, Nature
Pantheon: Exandria
Province: Healing, sun
Symbol: A circular holy symbol made of stained glass depicting a yellow sun with eight silver rays emanating from it.   The Dawnfather rules over sun and summer, and his vigil encircles the ages as the keeper of time. As the lord of agriculture and harbinger of the harvest, he is worshiped by farmers and most common folk, and his priests are welcome in lands all over. Supporter of the needy and destroyer of evil, the Dawnfather is often the patron of paladins and rangers who follow a similar creed. The Dawnfather is mythically renowned for his defeat of The Chained Oblivion and is revered by those who hunt aberrations.   Depiction. Tapestries of old match early texts describing the Dawnfather as a kindly patriarch clad in silver and gold armor, his head a beacon of light and fire so bright that his face can barely be seen. Many statues in holy places use the Dawnfather's head as a brazier, lit with each dawn and extinguished with the dusk.   Divine Domains. Many of the Dawnfather's clerics are granted powers of Life, Light, or Nature.   Holy Day. The Dawnfather's holy day is called Highsummer and takes place on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. In Emon, the entire week is celebrated with gift-giving and feasting. Festivities begin on Highsummer day and end at midnight on the twenty-first, the day that Zan Tal'Dorei dethroned Trist Drassig at the Battle of the Umbra Hills. In Whitestone, the feast of Highsummer is celebrated with gifts and a festival of lights around the Sun Tree. Most folk choose to spend Highsummer with their family, recounting the small things they are thankful for.

Commandments of the Dawnfather

  • Be ever vigilant for evil. People are quick to forget the lessons of the past.
  • Help relieve the suffering of the innocent.
  • Deliver the light of the Dawnfather where darkness dwells, and do so with kindness, compassion, and mercy.
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