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The Spider Queen

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Alternate Names: Lolth
Category: Betrayer Gods
Domains: Knowledge, Trickery
Pantheon: Exandria
Province: Deceit, spiders
Symbol: A pendant of a blue spider with red markings on its black. Its abdomen is marked with a golden crown.   The god of deceit, shadows, and spiders, the Spider Queen weaves a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipers, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power. The Spider Queen's worship is entwined with the society of dark elves across much of Exandria, even as the drow fall ever deeper into the thrall of The Chained Oblivion's aberrant minions. It is said that the Spider Queen can see through the eyes of all spiders and that she is truly all-knowing.   A mysterious faction of elves from Wildemount, the Kryn Dynasty, escaped this evil god's thrall in ancient times. This civilization's geographical isolation from Tal'Dorei keeps communication between them limited, but a small number of Kryn dark elves have traveled to Tal'Dorei to investigate the subterranean tunnels beneath the Stormcrest Mountains.   Depiction. Ancient icons and idols dedicated to the Spider Queen show an alluring woman with deep purple skin and silver hair, her abdomen swelling into the terrifying body of a monstrous spider. Her depictions are highly polarized between her elite devotees and her wretched supplicants. They are either opulent gilded statues, or deranged cave paintings.   Divine Domains. Many of the Spider Queen's clerics are granted powers of Knowledge or Trickery.   Enemies. The Spider Queen holds a searing grudge against the Stormlord, for with one throw of his mighty thunderspear, he impaled her against a cliffside, leaving her drow armies leaderless during the Calamity. The Spider Queen and The Ruiner also share a burning hatred for The Arch Heart, whom she claims drove her children below the earth. Despite their shared enemy, the Spider Queen often manipulates The Ruiner's followers into attacking her foes, so that the drow may remain safe. The only being the Queen fears is The Chained Oblivion; she dreads its alien mind and is furious about how its madness has gripped her children.

Commandments of the Spider Queen

  • It is better to be loved than feared, but you may certainly try to be both.
  • Misdirection, slander, and shadowed steps have more function than direct conflict.
  • Death to the elves who live under the sun, and death to all their allies!
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