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Level 9 Bastion Facility

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Space: Vast
  • Hirelings: 4
  • Order: Empower (1d6 BP)
The Theater contains a stage, a backstage area where props and sets are kept, and a seating area for a small audience.   When you issue the Empower order to this facility, its hirelings begin work on a theatrical production or concert. Rehearsals and other preparations take 14 days, followed by at least 7 days of performances. The performances can continue indefinitely until a new production gets underway.   A player character can contribute to a production in the following ways:
  • Composer/Writer. A character can compose music or write a script for a concert or production that hasn’t started rehearsals yet. This effort takes 14 days.
  • Conductor/Director. A character who remains in the Bastion for the entirety of the production can serve as the concert’s conductor or the production’s director.
  • Performer. A character who remains in the Bastion for the entirety of the rehearsal period can be a star performer in one or more of the performances; one of the Theater’s hirelings can serve as an understudy for additional performances.
At the end of a rehearsal period, each character who contributed to the concert or production can make a DC 15 Charisma (Performance) check. If more of these checks succeed than fail, you and any other character who contributed to the concert or production each gain a Theater die, a d6. This die increases to a d8 when you reach level 13 and a d10 when you reach level 17. At any point after the rehearsals end, a character can expend their Theater die to roll it and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they make. If a character hasn’t expended their Theater die before gaining another, their first die is lost.

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