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Trophy Room

Level 9 Bastion Facility

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Space: Roomy
  • Hirelings: 1
  • Order: Research (1d6 BP)
This room houses a collection of mementos, such as weapons from old battles, gifts from benefactors, the mounted heads of slain creatures, trinkets plucked from dungeons and ruins, and trophies passed down from ancestors.   When you issue the Research order to this facility, choose one of the following options:
  • Research: Lore. You commission the facility’s hireling to research a topic of your choice, or you do the research yourself. The topic can be a legend, any kind of creature, or a famous object. The topic need not be directly related to items on display in the room, as the trophies provide clues to research a wide variety of other subjects. The work takes 7 days. When the research concludes, you obtain up to three accurate pieces of information about the topic that were previously unknown to you. The DM determines what information is learned.
  • Research: Trinket Trophy. You commission the facility’s hireling to search for a trinket that might be of use to you. The work takes 7 days. When the research concludes, roll a die. If the number rolled is odd, the hireling finds nothing useful. If the number rolled is even, the hireling finds a trinket with a previously unknown magical property. You can decide what the trinket looks like or roll on the Trinkets table in the Player’s Handbook to determine its form. As a Magic action, a creature can use the trinket to cast a particular spell, requiring no spell components. Choose the spell from the following list: Clairvoyance, Death Ward, Find Traps, Locate Creature, Magic Weapon, Remove Curse, or Speak with Dead. Once used in this way, the trinket loses its magic.

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