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Vesh (The Bloody Siren)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Category: Lesser Idols of Exandria
Domains: None
Pantheon: Exandria
Province: The Archfey, The Undying
Symbol: Crimson ring hanging from a chain   Blood and pleasure follow in the wake of the siren Vesh. Long has she stalked the shadows of far-off Issylra, amassing secretive orgies of people of all genders and ancestries. These grand events have a membership that numbers in the hundreds, all of whom are bound to utmost secrecy, and are thrown in obscure retreats that are hidden in cities and towns across the continent. Little do the foolish pleasure-seekers in attendance know that the siren's great fetes of debauchery can end with only two left alive: Vesh and her new mate, who will go on to form a mystical blood-bond.   "Beware the Bloody Siren," sob those few who have escaped her orgy of blood, but their warnings have only fueled her legend. In Tal'Dorei, where Vesh's presence is known only as a legend of a foreign land, her name is most often invoked by youths who want to impress their peers. But who can say what would happen if an attractive and foolish mortal called too fervently or too frequently to the Bloody Siren? Perhaps she would appear, baring her subtly radiant gray skin, stroking her flowing violet hair, and gazing invitingly at the fool with her blank white eyes.
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