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Felleck Thistlebrow

Felleck Thistlebrow

Felleck, born in Hylo, is now very much a child of the Fae. Bright of eyes, pure of heart, and quick of fingers...on the bowstring of course! Self taught Ranger, but in the Faewild has given Felleck a unique take on the path of Nature.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small of body, but pretty average for a Kender. He looks relatively thin, but his body is lithe and wiry. Very little body fat, and tight muscle.

Body Features

Tanned from being outside most of the time. Calloused hands from hard work, melee and bow fighting.

Facial Features

Cute button nose, bright green eyes, and an easy smile

Identifying Characteristics

A set of horns from his forehead and another set behind them. Wreathed around the larger horns are vines and foliage of the season at the time.

Physical quirks

None that is apparent

Apparel & Accessories

Very bright and colorful clothing. Almost patchwork. On the inside of his clothes is a camouflage pattern. He always has his bow and arrows. When not being worn, the Mask of the Hedgewalker is strapped to his back. The mask itself looks almost like the skull of a deer or elk, but there's just something different about it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Birth Felleck was born to unknown parents, who were still very much into their own Wanderlust. As soon as Felleck was able to walk, they got distracted and never saw him again. All he knows is that he was born on the outskirts of Hylo, a Kender city in the Kender nation of the same name. Hylo is located north of Northern Ergoth and Sikk'et Hul.   Early Childhood After being abandoned by his parents, Felleck wandered of into the woods of Hylo, where he found a cave to sleep in. Shortly after, a bear arrived and saw a small child sleeping in its home. The next morning, after letting the child sleep through the night, the bear led little Felleck to the mouth of the cave where he saw brightly colored tiny Fairies who would lead him to the Endless (Faewild) where he would spend most of his childhood.    Adolescence Three fairies took care of Felleck during his childhood: Sundew, Copperglade, and Lillysprite. They were citizens of the Summer Court, also know as the Seelie Court of the Faewild.   While the Fairies lived in a series of eccentric dwellings made of formed flowering vines that hung from a nearby tree. The three fairies tried to make him feel included in the community, making his dwelling look more like fairy homes, but due to his size and their distinct lack of carpentry skills, there were a few 'mishaps' with gravity, so they had to move his home to the ground level.   During this time, all of them had to learn what folks from the Prime Material plane ate. For the longest time the fairies thought he was a goblin and were very curious why he kept getting sick from all the goblinoid cuisine they had imported from those who sometimes traveled between the plains. Eventually. after a lot of trial and error, Felleck started to find the foods necessary to sustain him. The fairies learned from watching him and were soon helping forage. This was the first step to his path as a ranger.   Young Adult Wanderlust started to kick in and Felleck found himself going on adventures around the Feywild. He soon found himself on the longest expedition yet: a hunt to find the mask of the Hedgewalker; an artifact of legend among the populace of the Summer Court.   He learned of this artifact by a sickly looking Hag by the name of Drayla Gawkgawk. She was quite sick, some Feywild bug going around, and was in need of fresh bones for her bone broth. In return she would tell him a secret. Felleck agreed to hunt some animals for her, as he always wanted to learn new and interesting things.   After a few days, he returned and she told him about the Mask of the Hedgewalker, where to find it, and more importantly that if he were to find this item then he would be welcomed and respected as one of the Fey and not the 'abandoned child from the material plane'.   He immediately set out and after a month of time being gone from his fairy parents, he returned home. He was greeted warmly, as fae, as a creature of the realm he inhabited...but not as anyone they knew. His fairy family had completely forgotten who he was.   Leaving the Endless After the particularly painful welcome home, he realized that while they now saw him as one of their own, he never really would be. So he took what he had on him and moved on. He travelled the Faewild, going on adventures, learning new things, and seeing sights no mortal was really never meant to see. While walking along one of the paths of the Endless, he began to hear a soft flute playing. It almost seemed like they were trying to find a tune. Then, as the note shifted, a twinge in Felleck's heart met the tone of the flute. The music began there, as if it sensed the hold it had on Felleck. He felt everything as if he was flipping through memories but all at once. He laughed, and cried, and raged at the sky, but he walked. He got closer to the music and saw in a clearing someone like him. A kender of ambiguous gender, blonde hair flowing down across their shoulders. Their clothes were bright and colorful. As they played, a small bright blue bird sat across from them, tweeting a song back in return. As Felleck entered the clearing, the kender looked up surprised and slowly brought the song to an end. The small bird flew to their shoulder. The kender told Felleck that they were a traveller as well, but are relatively new to the Endless and were very surprised to see a child of Krynn here. Felleck was confused but went with it. The kender offered to show him the way home, but given where the portal goes (Felleck now notices a stone circle that he swears wasn't there before) he offers to send his friend with him to make sure he gets through safe. Felleck agrees, the portal opens with a green swirl. The bird flies to Felleck's shoulder and Felleck steps through. He steps out into a tower. Tall people who slightly resemble the sidhe of the Endless stop what they are doing to look at him. He apparently stepped out in the middle of some kind of ritual. They seem very upset and look ready to do some bad things until they notice the bird. They tell him to leave, and if he was to come back without the bird, he would not be welcome. He was shown the way out of what appeared to be an elven city. As he travelled north, the bird took its leave. His journey eventually led him to a city in the trees, and he was horribly hungry.

A Kender of Kynn, and has definitely never been to Faerun, Felleck is living that Kender Wanderlust life.

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Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Emerald Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Naturally European white, but tanned
100 pounds soaking wet

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