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Barbar (Bar-bar/Bar-burr)

Barbar was the god of violence, destruction, and covetousness. They were the chosen deity of violent barbarians, murderers, and raiders. They had a particular following amongst gnolls as well as particularly militaristic bugbears, hobgoblins, and orcs.


Barbar was most frequently portrayed as a member of whatever race that the worshippers were. They were often shown as somewhat agendered, with long untamed hair and with an unfortunate victim being torn to pieces at their feet.   One curiousity in their depictions was amongst gnomes where Barbar was instead shown as either a wolverine, naked mole-rat, or (honey) badger. In this form Barbar was considered little more than an extraordinarily aggressive being.


Barbar was primarily followed as part of the Orcish Pantheon, as well as amongst some goblinoids. Barbar was also a feature of the Giant Pantheon as a patron of hill giants and ogres.   Worshippers of all creeds were known to partake in worship by going to war and even sometimes bathing in the blood of enemies.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domain: Death