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Bernardo Goodbough (a.k.a. Bardo, The Great Bard)

Bardo was a halfling musician and is largely considered to be the first true 'bard'. Although there were uncountable famous musicians before and after him, Bardo introduced the world to the idea of spellcasting through music and is considered to have discovered the craft, although some believe that this was a concept stolen from elven musicians and merely popularised by the Great Bard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Bardo, born Bernardo Goodbough, was born towards the end of the Great Kingdoms era. Not much is known about his early life, owing to lack of halfling written history from this time, although he is thought to have taken a keen interest in music from an early age. Regardless of this, at some point in his youth he took to learning the lute and fiddle. His aptitude was quickly noticed, and he begaun to perform across The Lar.  

Post-Tear Years

After the Great Tear, Bardo reportedly changed quite drastically. Seeing the world sundered in two and being confronted with the immediate and significant threat of the new world, he started to venture further afield and viewed himself and his race as positioned in order to spread joy in a world in peril. He began to collect stories and songs from other cultures and chronicle them together.


Original Works   Halfling Folk Arrangements Foreign Folk Songs
As part of his travels, Bardo wrote several original works in the style of places he travelled, mostly human and elf setllements. The human-styled folk songs in particular are his most well known works outside of The Lar and Kender with most humans even believing them to be authentic folk songs. These works, even the elvish ones, are most frequently performed in Common and are presented very seriously, although those aware of the history of the works know that they were intended in a light-hearted mocking of stereotyping the culture and songs of what they imulated.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
ca. 14,980 GK
Date of Death
ca. 113 IF
Quotes & Catchphrases
If journeys came with rulebooks, what would be the sense in going?
Never laugh at live dragons!
The road goes ever on and on.
Sorta, Ladro, Mae (Halfling Pantheon)