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Yirtici (Yurt-uh-chu / Year-tea-chee)

(a.k.a. Yırtıcı)

Yirtici was the god of, particularly bestial, savagery, bloodlust, and hunting. He was the epitome of the dark, bloody side of nature, though he was sometimes more favourably worshiped as symbolising wild natures, grace and amorality of predators.


Yirtici was depicted in two main forms, the first of which was a snarling humanoid with long nails and teeth, dripping with blood. The second and more common form was as a lycanthrope-like animal-human hybrid, who was similarly shown as a wild and savage creature.


The primary followers of Yirtici were evil-aligned sentient beasts, such as awakened beasts and giant ravens, monstrosities, such as harpies and winter wolves, and lycanthropes. He was also worshipped by evil-aligned sentient plants. Those who worshipped him strove to be apex predators, seeing the world as a simple binary between hunters and the hunted, predators and prey.   Yirtici was worshipped as part of Nature's Cycle as the evil counterpart to Hayvan. Within the religion, he was viewed as the symbol of predation and hunting in general. His holy day was celebrated on the 30th of Deepfall and was known as Blood Moon. It was traditionally adhered to on the last full moon of Deepfall, known as the 'hunters moon' although few followers stick to this tradition. Yirtici's loyal followers celebrate this day by conducting a mass hunt of other creatures, often times targeting humanoids or other prestigious pray. Good-aligned adherents to Nature's Cycle take the day to conduct hunting trips and hold extravegant feasts to celebrate nature's bounty.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domain: Nature
The entire world is divided between predators and prey. If you aren't a predator, then you are naught but a rung on the food chain.
~ Philosophy of Yirtici