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Currency System

DnD Currency

Listed below is the currency currently used in DnD 5e. It uses currency denominations which change for every 10 (except for Electrum).

10 Copper 1 Silver
5 Silver 1 Electrum*
10 Silver / 2 Electrum* 1 Gold
10 Gold 1 Platinum
* I don't use Electrum in my world and so I will not continue to include them in this page.

My Currency

Here is the currency conversion that I use for each of the denominations of currency. My 'new' money uses a cent-like exchange where a new currency denomination is equivelant to the previous one *100.
The main purpose of this is to make gold and platinum (and to an extent all coins) more valuable to you as adventurers. I also feel that it gives a somewhat more realistic feel, where most commoners will never have seen a gold coin in their lives whilst also allowing them to reasonably buy something like rope or animals (usually valued in gold). It also creates a further sense that copper and silver is the currency of most people, gold is the currency of merchants and lesser aristocrats, and platinum is the money of monarchs.

100 Copper 1 Silver
100 Silver 1 Gold
100 Gold 1 Platinum

Currency Exchange Rate

The table below gives the 'exchange rate' from standard DnD currency to the currency I use in my world. This conversion works for non-magical items only, it does not apply to the cost of magic items.  
Magic items are not widely available to be purchased, although some parts of the world do have them on sale. Magic items remain in the same price value as listed, so for example a +1 Weapon which costs 500GP in 'old' money still costs 500GP in 'new' money, effectively making it equivelant to 5,000GP in the 'old' money. An exeption to this is consumable items like potions, scrolls, and spell gems, which are half of the listed price in gold; a common potion of healing worth 50GP in 'old' money is valued at 25GP in 'new' money, effectively valued at 250GP.
DnD CurrencyExchange Equivelant
1 Copper 1 Copper
1 Silver 10 Copper
1 Gold 1 Silver / 100 Copper
1 Platinum 10 Silver
10 Platinum / 100 Gold 1 Gold / 100 Silver
1,000 Platinum 1 Platinum

This means that we can convert any currency in the PHB or other listed DnD price. If the above table doesn't work, you can use the below formula, with __ representing the value you want to convert.
  • __ Coppper = __ Copper
  • __ Silver = __ * 10 Copper
  • __ Gold = __ Silver
  • __ Platinum = __ * 10 Silver