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Hastalik (Has-tah-lick)

(a.k.a. Hastalık)

Hastalik is the goddess of poison and diseases. In particular, she was feared as the bringer of plagues and other ailments. Among her unsavory devotees were assassins who would pray to her for aid in their exploits. Some good aligned followers worshipped her where they specialized in producing antitoxins and healing the sick.


Hastalik appeared as a gaunt, older female with long, unkempt hair and reaching, elongated fingers. She was described as a withered crone with a somewhat scarred face.   Hastalik was a strange goddess in terms of personality. She had been compared by sages to a greedy and petulant child, switching between the juvenile desire for attention at any cost to the aloofness of a discarded paramour. Curiously for a deity so closely tied to death, she had no personal taste for violence.


Hastalik is worshipped as part of the pantheon of evil, destructive deities called the Doom Harbingers. Within this pantheon, Hastalik represented the coming of plagues and sickness to destroy life. Her followers use poisons towards their nefarious means including assassins, thieves, and criminals. The members of the pantheon, including Hastalik, were prayed to by non-followers in times of strife in order to ward off the natural disasters and evils that could be brought by them.   Hastalik was also a feature of the Yuan-ti Pantheon. In this capacity, her capacity as a poisoner and relation to snake venom was highlighted.   The holy day for Hastalik was on the 13th of Blossoming and was known as Enfeebleday. Those who followed her would often spend the day taking in poisons in order to build up resilience to poison and toxins. None adherents rarely observe this day and the traditions that come with it, although some would still take the day to utter a prayer to protect themselves from any coming disease and poison.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domain: Death
There is no creature, regardless of its size, which cannot be taken down by some poison or another.

~ An assassin tells her conspirators an addage of Hastalik