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Owlin are a race of flighted, bird-like humanoids, the majority of which reside in the Feywild.


Owlin range in size from as little as one meter tall, to as large as just over double that. They are covered in feathers, with facial features akin to a regular owl. They have arms and legs which end in talons, and wings which are capable of flight. As with their feral counterparts, owlin can have plumage in a wide range of colours. Like owls, owlin are graced with feathers that make no sound when they move or fly, making it easy for them to sneak up on you in the library.   Owlin live, on average, around 130 years, reaching maturity around the age of 30.

An owlin traveller


Owlin are a fairly obscure species, being nocturnal and living in an environment where they are mostly left to themselves.   Owlin don't judge others based on their appearance, but by their character. This originates in their species' wide variety in their appearance. They are often very fond of reading, and most will aim to build up a library over their lifetime. Owlin are notably quiet, and as such most will become rangers and rogues, both of which are very suitable for their homeland of the forests of the Feywild.   Owlin which lived outside of the Feywild tended to live in the forests at the base of mountains. As such, communities could be found in the forests to the west of Kender and the mountain bases of the Kabouter Forest and the Imisen Forest.   They are fond of wearing reds and whites, both of which allow them to better stand out in their forests, with whites often being worn by the nobility in particular to better highlight their plumage.


Owlin, in general, worshipped Archfey as most of other fey did, in particular Kotkas Feather-Wing or Noiduma Night-Queen. In terms of deities, they were largely split between the Elvish Pantheon and avian deities, such as Ukhozi and Inyoni.


Owlin were largely peacable people and could range in alignment. As such, they tended to get on well with other races who they lived near, particularly elves, gnomes, halflings, and fey creatures. Owlin also tended to get on well with other avian races, such as Aarakocra and giant eagles.

Player Race Features

  • Ability Scores. Choose any +2; choose any other +1.
  • Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.
  • Speed. 30 ft., fly equal to your walking speed.
  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of yourself as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
  • Flight. Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor.
  • Silent Feathers. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.