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Yuan-ti were a collective race of serpentfolk who were seen as corrupt and degenerate monsters by other races, largely living in Rahasia. Yuan-ti purebloods were the most Human in appearance of all true yuan-ti and one of three main breeds—the other two being the halfbloods and the abominations.


Purebloods were described as human-like but with minor reptilian features, such as snake-like eyes, a forked tongue, and patches of scales on their skin. Purebloods had weights and heights in the same range as humans.   Pure bloods could mate with halfbloods or abominations but usually did not. Like other yuan-ti, they hatched from eggs and reached adulthood by twelve years of age. An average lifespan for any yuan-ti was 80 years, but attaining an age as great as 120 years was possible.   Despite being thoroughly wicked, the majority of purebloods had magnetic personalities. Like all yuan-ti, they tended to be arrogant and self-centered.   Purebloods were the least likely of the true yuan-ti breeds to remain attached to their tribe. Since they could more easily disguise themselves, they had the freedom to pursue their own interests wherever such things took them.   Yuan-ti were consummate carnivores, eating any kind of warm-blooded flesh, including humans. Besides human meat, they also enjoyed birds and thus kept large herds of flightless birds captive for food.   Yuan-ti in their prime will scheme, breed, and work on behalf of their tribes. Breeding is carefully controlled, seen as a holy act, in order to produce the "best" offspring. Prospective partners will coldly measure one another and if both agree that the match is promising, they usually mate, regardless of their personal affections towards each other.   Often elder yuan-ti grow lazy when they reach great age, sleeping or lying in torpor for longer and longer periods - first for days, then weeks, then seasons at a time, and finally years upon years. At last, they fail to wake at all.

A yuan-ti temple servant


In general, the more serpentine features a yuan-ti possesses the higher its status in yuan-ti society. Abominations are at the top of their society, followed by halfblood, and finally purebloods. Within their subraces, yuan-ti are ranked by achievements and the demonstrated favor of Jahat.   Yuan-ti culture centered around their temples, which were hidden deep within the jungle and were kept a closely guarded secret. The abominations ruled over the other breeds of yuan-ti, leading from the temples. Outside of the temples, purebloods served a special role in yuan-ti society by being the liaisons, agents, spies, or assassins, as they could usually readily hide their serpentine features. They also oversaw the "lesser" yuan-ti servitor subraces, the broodguards and tainted ones.   Outside their temples, they usually only appeared in small groups of less than five.   Purebloods, being the most human-like, were the caste involved in negotiations with outside races.


The yuan-ti were devout worshippers of Jahat. Their worship often involved bloody sacrifices. Some rare yuan-ti also worshipped fiends, with rebellious purebloods living abroad being particularly fond of Lussuria. All yuan-ti must act in accordance with the way of Jahat - that is, subtly. Whenever possible, yuan-ti choose manipulation over open confrontation, the whisper over the fang.


Yuan-ti had a historic rivalry with Tabaxi dating back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. About 90 years ago, this came to a head as yuan-ti tribes led a complete assault on tabaxi across the Prasejarah Jungle in a religiously charged genocide now known as . The persecution led to tabaxi fleeing, most heading to the human nation of Ramaal Dhahabia, with a portion also heading west to Kender.

Player Race Features

  • Ability Scores. Choose any +2; choose any other +1.
  • Size. Medium.
  • Speed. 30 feet.
  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
  • Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells.
  • Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition on yourself. You also have resistance to poison damage.
  • Serpentine Spellcasting. You know the poison spray cantrip. You can cast animal friendship an unlimited number of times with this trait, but you can target only snakes with it. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast suggestion with this trait. Once you cast it, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast it using any spell slots you have of 2nd level or higher. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait (choose when you select this race).
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Bahsa.