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The Skies Above Durath

Two celestial bodies dominate the skies above Durath. They are the Divine Gifts of Nyva - God of Day and Xoorr - God of Life. An excerpt from The Matters of The Material:   The Sun, properly Illustra, is the brighter; its radiance is known to be dangerous to look upon. This is Nyva's gift. Fierce light shines despite being but a mote, but a speck in the sky, no larger than the faint twinkling stars of the constellations. Illustra gives the light of day, as it beats a scorching path across the sky, searing the heavens white. Illustra is ensconced by a small halo. Such has been seen in other great periods of history, lasting for decades at a time. Direct study is unsafe, but through thin cloud it can be seen with the naked eye, though no larger than the width of a finger held at arm's length. The current halo was first observed in the final months of the First Orc Wars.   The Moon, properly Calimunor, is the larger, spanning across one sixth of the entire sky. This is Xoorr's gift. It hangs overhead, unmoving but ever changing. Calimunor's surface is a warm and whirling tapestry of yellow, red, and brown at night, and shines its fullest at midnight. Thence it wanes from gibbous to crescent; by midday it is a but a faint halo in the sky, barely visible amid the glare of Illustra. The afternoon sees Calimunor waxing again, growing into the early night to be full once more at midnight.
Well travelled nobles and scholars agree that Calimunor does in fact move towards the horizon if one travels to distant lands. Some further speculate that, beyond the edge of the world Calimunor would disappear entirely from view.

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