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The Blood of the World, The Wellspring of Change

That which is not worthy will be washed away. That which cannot find anchor will be swept out beyond the Edge of the world. Only that which can find anchor deserve to endure.
Translated from the first Voraguan Scroll
  Voragua is the Divine Creation of Cydenti .   Once U'Dur had made The Bones of the World, the permenance of existence became possible, and for a time all the Eight relished the simplicity with which their creations would endure. But eventually, some chafed at the newfound stability. The world was littered with discarded or unfinished creations. Cydenti created the great outflowing whirlpool to promote change in the world, without risking indiscriminate power of the Primordial Chaos. Voragua feeds the oceans and flows out towards the Edge of the world.

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