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Aphorini (Ah-for-ee-nee)

The Aphorini

  The Aphorini are a species of psychically-connected underground insectoid people that resemble bees. They reside in the tunnel network known as The Deep which comprises roughly 40-50% of the above-ground surface area and the Aphorini travel its tunnels, tirelessly seeking out food and resources. The Aphorini are colloquially referred to as The Hive for their near-uniform social structures and resemblance to the worldly insect. The Aphorini are roughly 90% female for their population, and a majority of the Aphorini have white fur covering their bodies thanks to the lack of sunlight in The Deep. Those that do travel above ground have different colors ranging from black to yellow as a signal to potential adversaries: leave me alone.   Like many invertebrate sapients on Dunia, they originate from the feywilds, a dangerous and twisted, if colorful place. Unlike most creatures from the feywilds, though, they do not follow the same rules that would normally apply to their kind after having achieved a stabilized population on this planet.  


  Ame-Amini   The Ame-Amini are the most common of the Aphorini subspecies, with white fur, high agility, and a fairly cautious, if not outright xenophobic culture. They are effectively the most common of the Aphorini and are most associated with 'The Hive'.   Bome-Bini   The friendly, round Bome-Bini are covered in the most voluminous fur out of all the Aphorini. Despite this, they are the best at flight compared to their cousins and are capable of longer durations of flight. They live in the grasslands above ground, unlike the Ame-Amini. They tend to live in small colonies and occasionally commune with the Koleos. They are patterned yellow and black as a warning to potential predators.   Vio-Lini   The large, dark violet-tinted Vio-Lini are a peaceful subspecies of the Aphorini as a whole. Their violet iridescent wings are very impressive. They make home amongst the elves in The Last Strands and the more temperate forest regions and are fairly well-attuned with nature. Unlike the Ame-Amini they are much more likely to befriend other races.  


  The Aphorini have developed a strong psychic connection amongst their kind after the Cataclysm, but had been using pheromones to communicate. After the surface world had become inhospitable to their kind, they began migrating into The Deep, where they developed keen eyesight and a strong sense of smell using their antennae. Unlike their humble analogue, they do not have stingers, as their evolutionary path left it as a vestigial bodily function. Because they have a longer life cycle and therefore take longer to grow, the resultant deaths from using the former stinger were problematic for the species as a whole.  

Caste System

  Queen: The Queen holds the highest authority and decides the general direction of The Hive's genetic dynasty and resource acquisition. She is the leader of The Hive. The Hive Queen uses a mixture of psychic commands and pheromones to communicate with her thralls. A Hive Queen may emerge from the thousands of Worker Drones if the queen dies or passes on, filling an ecological niche that was left empty. This metamorphosis of the Worker Drone to a Queen can happen if the Queen is slain or dies from natural causes.   Matrons and Patrons: The Matrons and Patrons comprise the genetic and reproductive selection caste of The Hive, responsible for producing offspring and ensuring the continuation of the Hive's population. Patrons make up a very tiny portion of the population and are generally selected for their genetic history, which can be gleaned via pheromones.   Praetorians: The Praetorians act as defenders of The Hive and advisors to the Queen. They provide counsel and guidance in matters of warfare, defense, and decision-making. They are not capable of becoming a queen themselves and their primary motivation as the Queen's guard is to protect her and the interest of the Hive.   Tradekeepers: The Tradekeepers act as liaisons between the surface world and The Hive, facilitating the exchange of information, technology, and resources.   Sentinels: The Sentinels act as extensions of the Queen's and Praetorians' decision-making process, conducting warfare and defending The Hive from outside threats.   Soldier Drones: The Soldier Drones form the military body of The Hive, carrying out orders and defending The Hive.   Cultivators: The Cultivators are responsible for harvesting plants and mushrooms to create Nectar, a saccharine substance and superfood that aids in growth and energy for their species.   Worker Drones: The Worker Drones do not have much autonomy, but they can ascend to higher castes within The Hive.   Juveniles: The Juveniles are in the stage of development before becoming Worker Drones and are taken care of by the Matrons and Patrons within the Inner Sanctum of The Hive.   Offspring: The Offspring are in the earliest larval stage of development within The Hive and are cared for by the Matrons and Patrons.  


  The Aphorini are a species that prizes the integrity of their hive above all, and they uphold the caste system with oppressive homogenizing methods in most hives. Some of the more important aspects of communication for The Hive are music and dance. Early on in their evolution, dance was primarily the best way to communicate distance, threats, location of food, among other things. Dance in modern Hive culture is still an important facet of communication but it's also used as a means of celebration and expression. It is almost never a thing seen by outsiders. Communication within the hive is often silent to onlookers, but the pheromones combined with psychic suggestions lend to a very nuanced form of communication, which when communicating with outsiders using Common or Khar-Kushak, is often far less nuanced and much more direct, some might even call the tonality and inflections flat.   Most of the Hive's food is produced from harvested plant matter and fungi, and their primary drink is nectar. They are both cultivators and pollinators.   With such a small subsection of the populace being male and mostly reserved for reproductive purposes, intimate relationships amongst the females of the species is largely casual and fairly common. They refer to their partners as bondmates.  


  Aphorini architecture uses layered structural lines in their designs, like a flowing geometric track that leads the eyes towards a destination, or much like a topographical map has lines that follow the contours of the shapes, though more angular. The tunnels and chambers are structured as such, and use a sort of sandstone cement. The lines, or edges of the sandstone topographical structures are capped with copper to reduce edge-based erosion, which take on a patina over time due to moisture in the tunnels. Often, the tunnels are lit with a sort of eerie green lamp that uses bioluminescent fungi that is rich in the chemical luciferin, which can range from a pale yellow to a more neon green.   The incubation chambers are generally the innermost of any hive superstructure and are never, ever seen by outsiders. Some descriptions from the tradekeepers provide a mental image of what they might look like. Based on the limited descriptions provided, the incubation chambers are filled with a warm light compared to the pale, eerie green of the connecting hallways. The warm light offers a sense of tranquility.   The audience chamber, which is generally where anyone venturing into Aphorini territory is going to first commune with the Hive, is the most well described and known. Large, chamfered ceilings filled with hanging crystals and lanterns casts an ever-changing pattern of light on the surrounding surfaces, with the queen's throne beset by several praetorian guards. A long carved channel leads up to the center of the chamber, where the speaker is generally lower than the rest of the room creates a sense of judgment and observation as one speaks. The walls have alcoves built into them for other influential hive members to stand or sit while counsel is done.  


  The Aphorini and Ame-Amini are generally fairly secluded and shun outside technologies. The abundance of Aetherion crystals in The Deep has influenced how they developed their culture and their technologies. As such, they have developed some modified spear-weapons that utilize Aetherion crystals, among other psychic amplification weapons that can emit psionic blasts. To combat dwarven expansion into their territory, they've also developed overcharged fracture launchers, which have a shaped charge filled with unstable Aetherion crystals. Their hive structures are powered via Aetherion conduit spires that are established on the surface in a network of power stations, which are engineered to convert ambient magical energies and solar energy into electricity. This electrical energy is then stored in large Aetherion crystalline reservoirs to be then distributed in their grid.  

Unique Vehicles

  Tunnel-Runners   Living in The Deep, the Aphorini have adapted cargo-carrying Tunnel-Runners, cylindrical vehicles that have wheels on all sides. These are typically only meant to move large amounts of food or resources, having only one pilot operate them in the highway system that the Aphorini have developed. The seat at the front of the craft rotates according to the orientation of the vehicle using a fairly complex gyroscopic stabilizer on the control seat itself. Due to concerns with polluting the underground, the vehicle almost entirely operates off electricity and there are charging stations at major Aphorini hubs where it replenishes the energy stored in its crystal reservoir.  

Unique Weaponry

  Aetherion Voltlance   The Aetherion Voltlance is the primary weapon chosen by the Aphorini, which functions as both a spear and a sort of energy-based firearm. It naturally recharges through ambient magical energy. The melee component of the weapon has a reach of 10 feet and is categorized as a polearm. It can fire up to as many times as the wielder's proficiency bonus per short or long rest.   Aetherion Crystal Launcher   An exceedingly rare portable anti-tank weapon that is used against invading forces, the Aetherion Crystal Launcher magnetically launches a shaped charge of unstable Aetherion crystals which can detonate at a predetermined point with a timed fuse, like an airburst. The initial penetration of the warhead will go through multiple targets or layers of armor, and then fragment into a conical area of effect, sending volatile aetherion shrapnel in a wide spread. The cost of the warheads is prohibitive due to the sensitive nature of construction and is only used very sparingly. It is sometimes referred to as the Acrys Launcher.   Aetherion Needle Carbine   A weapon that shears off fragments of Aetherion crystals and accelerates them magnetically, the Aetherion Needle Carbine can cause a combo detonation after two successful attacks on the same target, dealing thunder and lightning damage upon detonation in an area of effect. To do this, the weapon emits a directed energy signal that excites the latent energy stored in the crystal shards. The weapon's individual projectiles do not do much damage, but the secondary effects are substantially stronger.   Psionic Amplifier Gun   The psi-blast weaponry that the Aphorini use can deal debilitating psychic damage to opponents caught unprepared, as most enemies do not have equipment that can withstand the attacks. This weapon is effectively a shotgun that fires a cone of psionic energy. The Aphorini can amplify this damage with their own powers, adding their proficiency bonus in number of damage die to the attack, but this special maneuver can only be used 3 times per long rest. Praetorians use this weapon to great effect to suppress and subjugate opponents.  

Racial Features

  Age   Aphorini normally live from 40 to 80 years, depending on diet and quality of life. Queens typically live the longest, and the oldest was recorded at 134 years old. They are able to communicate basic needs starting by 3 weeks through pheromones, are able to fly once their wings develop 6-8 months into their life cycle, and are able to vocalize at the age of 10 months. Their psychic capabilities do not develop until 3-4 years of age, and they reach full size at the age of 8. They reach maturity at the age of 12.   Languages   Aphorini have their own unique language that they speak amongst themselves but most are taught Common by their Tradekeeper caste, and may learn Dwarvish if close to a Dwarven colony. Given that no other species understands the complex nuances of the dialect, it has come to colloquially be called Hivespeak.   Limited Flight   The Aphorini are capable of limited flight, flying at a speed of 30 feet per turn, and a speed of 60 feet on a dash, flying for a duration of 6 turns while in combat. After 6 turns they must land. When they must land, they will not take fall damage if they were flying. They can use this ability once per short or long rest. Otherwise, while not in combat, they have a flight duration of 2 hours.   Darkvision   Aphorini can see up to a range of 60 feet in near total darkness thanks to their ability to see the infrared spectrum.   Blindsense   Aphorini can use their other senses to detect things they cannot see up to 20 feet, but with limited ability to pinpoint a location.   Pheromonal Communicators   Aphorini can communicate simple feelings to one another through pheromones within 60 feet without speaking and without it being intercepted.   Psionic Aptitude   Aphorini can all use the cantrip Mind Sliver, and can communicate simple phrases to one another using telepathy up to 60 feet away, they cannot telepathically communicate with other races.   Hive Mindset   Aphorini are collaborative by nature and work together better, but when separated from the Hive, they lose some of their motivation and might have difficulty expressing complex thoughts, but are excellent at retaining knowledge. They are nimble despite being creatures that dwell almost entirely underground.   For D&D 5E: Aphorini get +2 to Wisdom and +1 to Dexterity   For PF2E: Aphorini get an ability boost to Wisdom and an ability boost to Dexterity, with a free ability boost  

Subspecies Features

  Ame-Amini Psilance   Three times per long rest, the Ame-Amini are capable of pouring their psychic energies into an attack, and are able to channel that psychic energy into a melee weapon attack. Add a Psychic D12 to the first Psilance, a D8 to the second Psilance, and a D4 to the third Psilance attack.   Bome-Bini Acrobatic Flight   The Bome-Bini are capable of sustained flight and can fly normally out of combat for 4 hours. While in combat, they are still restricted to 6 turns of flight once activated.   Bome-Bini Evasive Actions   Once per turn while in the air, Bome-Bini can raise their evasion by their proficiency bonus until attacked again as a reaction, and can perform this maneuver up to as many times as their proficiency bonus per short or long rest.   Vio-Lini Shimmer   The Vio-Lini can distract up to 3 targets within sight with a shimmer of their iridescent wings, leaving them charmed until the start of your next turn. This ability can be used once per target, up to 3 times per long rest. They must make a wisdom saving throw against your Deception roll as a DC check.   Vio-Lini Carpentry   The Vio-Lini are skilled with carpenter's tools because of their connection with the forests.


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