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Drakaan (Drah-khaan)

The Drakaan

  The Drakaan are gene-modded humanoid colonizers displaced from another world, and are often referred to as offworlders. They originated from human ancestors and have been genetically engineered and modified over time to adapt to colonizing arid, terrestrial worlds, sharing some traits with horned vipers. Their specialization from gene-modding eventually lead to them being classed as a different species from humans altogether in the world from whence they came. They are a fiercely intelligent and adaptable group that wields fearsome and awe-inspiring lightning-powered technology. They survive through ingenuity and replicating advanced technologies that they retained knowledge on how to construct.   They discovered the presence of an unknown particle and quickly figured out how to harness it to power their equipment, adapting energized crystals into capacitors. This was the Chaos Particle, a new and terrifying thing none of them had ever encountered before. They needed it to satisfy the immense power requirements of their hovering vessels that glide on the power of lightning, the Arcriders. Over the course of one generation, they integrated it into virtually all of their equipment.   On Dunia, the Drakaan have been separated from their original kind and the advanced technologies they used, although some knowledge has been passed down through generations. They were brought to this world during the Cataclysm, an event believed by the Drakaan to be a result of a multi-planar collision of worlds, but the original cause remains unknown. Most of them wound up in The Dust, an arid region on the Ruined Continent otherwise known as Mudira-Karrah. They had to work together to quickly adapt to the new, hostile and alien landscape, with strange creatures hunting them and chasing them down. Most of all, the Dunewyrm, otherwise known as the Kuthban-Tinin was their greatest foe and their greatest source of wealth in this strange environment. It was later discovered by them that these were mutant dragons, creatures of legend whose bones, blood, flesh, and scales were incredibly valuable to the inhabitants of this new world.   To be a Drakaan means to hunt dragons.  


  The Drakaan have followed a divergent evolutionary path, resulting in the colonials and the Primals splitting into two distinct groups. Primal Drakaan have a more monstrous appearance and tend to align with various draconids and reptilians due to perceived similarities. Colonial Drakaan, on the other hand, tend to work more closely with hominids. Both groups have a natural inclination for building and often fashion weapons out of tools, as they come from a hostile world.   Colonial Drakaan have a more humanoid appearance compared to the Primals. They often possess horns near the top of their foreheads and their eyes have vertical slits with a semi-metallic sheen, displaying a wide variety of vibrant hues. Like humans, their hair can come in various natural colors, with black being the most common. Their mouths wrap around halfway up to their ears, and their ears are recessed, resembling those of a reptile. Their nostrils are similarly receded into their heads. The skin of Colonial Drakaan is akin to a snake's skin, with a few scaly patches on their extremities and more human skin in between, but with less patterning compared to their animal counterparts. Skin color can vary widely, resembling that of a reptile, with a dark, dusty reddish tone being the most common.   Primal Drakaan were originally designated as militia and soldiers, genetically enhanced to amplify their reptilian features in comparison to the Colonials. They appear more monstrous and snake-like, with heads resembling those of horned vipers. Their mouths are lined with teeth adapted for gripping prey, and their fingers end in sharp claws. Their eyes are similar to the Colonial Drakaan, though they are better adapted for seeing in the dark. Their skin is more likely to be patterned, given their enhanced reptilian features, and can have a variety of natural hues. Some Primal Drakaan have retained their roles as defenders of the Colonials, while others have severed their bonds with the other Drakaan.  


  Genetically, they were given traits from some Earth species of horned vipers and electric rays. They were also modified with a couple other specializations and genetic tuning to help them survive on arid worlds after they were sent off to distant stars.   The Drakaan have adapted to Dunia over time. They possessed electrocytes in their bodies from before their arrival on this world, which allowed them to survive contact with larger, predatory species, but these abilities were enhanced by exposure to magic, or the Chaos Particle. These electrocytes have piezoelectric properties that enhance their ability to deliver shocks to enemies after moving or exercising. Additionally, their bodies are better at retaining water compared to humans, and their bodily structure allows them to diffuse electrical shocks more effectively, giving them natural resistance to lightning.   Unlike humans, the Drakaan do not sweat anywhere as much as them, and are better adapted to desert and rocky badlands, requiring less frequent intake of water. The way they move heat away from their bodies is through enlarged blood vessels closer to the skin and at their extremites, and occasionally if they need to, evaporative cooling through breathing. They are inherently adventurous by nature. The Drakaan have a divergent evolutionary path, with the colonials and the primals splitting into two groups.  


  The Colonial Drakaan that reside in more permanent settlements at the Oases have some similarities in terms of artistic style and architectural style compared to various Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures found on earth, both learning from the locals what materials make the best housing, and retained knowledge from when they lived amongst the stars. The use of filigrees, flourishes, geometric shapes, and tessellating patterns in their artwork and textiles belies a very worldly appreciation for detail. One of their more common stringed instruments is similar to an Oud, called a Bruzaki, which produces a warm sound and is capable of microtonal inflections. The electric version has a built-in amplifier.   When not waging war, they look to the stars and tell stories of those that came before them, living on distant worlds far, far away. The Colonial Drakaan keep a very detailed written record of their history and store the information digitally in repositories, though storytelling is a major facet of entertainment in their culture. They'll perform theatre in the courtyards of their cultural centers with wild-looking masks and expressive characters using dramatic movements to convey anguish, joy, despair, and frustration. The foods they make largely consist of various grains and desert fruits that they can harvest via hydroponics, occasionally integrating livestock or even Dunewyrm meat. Drakaan cuisine has a lot of flavorful depth to it because of the spices used to preserve the food in the harsh conditions.   The more nomadic tribes of the Colonial Drakaan establish fleets of landships surrounding the Liveship, a massive hovering vessel that carries fresh fruit and vegetables and carries livestock. It uses condenser towers that line its deck to collect evaporated water vapor and turn it into a drinkable form. It is slow, and fairly light on defenses so it doesn't make its way out into foreign territory often unless the Drakaan have decided to pack up and move location. As a defensive measure, it can emit a large pulse of electrical energy to shock potential threats.   The nomadic tribes tend to be more cloistered and culturally separated from the other species that reside on Dunia. The nomads also use Sand Trawler Arcriders to hunt the fearsome Dunewyrm, a draconic serpent that was altered by the Cataclysm and harvest its bones and meat to trade and survive on. The nomad chieftains will usually drink from one of the hearts of a slain Dunewyrm after it has been felled to partake of its magical blood and lifegiving properties. The ritual is very serious and important to the Drakaan tribes. To trade with the other Colonial Drakaan, they'll visit the settlements and exchange parts of the Dunewyrm for other goods, often ferrying people between settlements, with payment coming in various bartered forms. If one has become especially allied with the Drakaan, they have the honor of being integrated into the fleet and given matching equipment. These honored friends are referred to as Sadiq'Samman by the Drakaan that have adopted Khar-Kushak, and Klios-Priata in their original language.   Drakaan value voluntarism very highly, as the function of their society is extremely dependent on it. Those that choose to be selfish or disregard the needs of others are often cast out as pariahs.   Each of the Arcrider fleets of the Drakaan have their own banners, traditional armors, and individual subcultures and focuses. Each fleet has a Liveship around which it is centered, and aboard those liveships are a select group of individuals referred to as Fleetguards. This particular role in the fleet is a highly honorable position, where they are decorated with numerous scripts on tassels and cloth that repeat the mantras of their duties and tenets. The largest fleet is the Akulos fleet, comprised of many mighty vessels that glide over the dunes.   Living aboard a liveship is kind of like living on an aircraft carrier, with numerous amenities made available to its inhabitants. The children have a communal school, the hydroponics sector grows all the needed greens, grains, and fruits. The galley is often next to the hydroponics sector, with the messhall directly connected to improve space usage. The bunk rooms are often built with individual kitchenettes and are made for families of 4 to 6 individuals. Usually there are toys strewn about the more lived-in areas but children are often made responsible for cleaning up their living quarters by their parents. If a child loses both of their parents, they are immediately adopted by the closest family or adults on board the liveship.   Drakaan language is a permutation of various Aegean languages, but is influenced by Khar-Kushak's Arabic and Hindi roots. It frequently uses compound words for proper nouns, like Khar-Kushak, which enabled them to initiate trade in the region of The Dust they had been transported to. The syntax is often Subject, Object, Verb. Some example names include: Serkhanos Akulos, Nayirah Thalassa, Zarek Khaladros, or Nisiri Akhala.   The Primal Drakaan may use some Arc Tech but are more likely to be at odds with what little social structures that remain, and have taken a liking to raiding and pillaging. Primals are incredibly dangerous when in a raiding party and often act as a frontline attacker. They are likely to work alongside banished Dragonborn or exiled Orcs and other races to achieve the common goal of their particular raider clan. The Primals value strength above all else.   The leaders may often wear the horns of their forefathers. They tend to have either patriarchs or matriarchs. Usually the oldest of the clan with the most knowledge and experience is the leader, regardless of gender. Drakaan communities are largely communal meritocracies.  


  Drakaan ingenuity and craftsmanship are evident in their firearms and armor, which take a unique and unorthodox approach to creation, often imbuing them with 'outlander magic' (not truly magic, but could be misconstrued as such because it is sufficiently advanced technology) resulting in unpredictable outcomes. One notable Drakaan invention is the Piledriver cannon, a rocket-propelled harpoon that fires a massive spike capable of piercing even the toughest hides. Though inaccurate over long distances, it is used to guide lightning to the beasts they hunt by tailing a kite-chain, specifically developed to handle the massive Kuthban-Tinin (Dunewyrm) that plagues their regions. The Drakaan have also found a way to impart lightning into their weapons through usage of electrolasers, a holdover from the construction equipment they designed and used back in their colony days. With some of their Dustrider ships gliding over the deserts channeling lightning into huge phylacteries that store the energy for dispersal from their arc weaponry.   Another Drakaan invention is Arc Weapons, which stem from Arc Tech, a broad category of technology that allows them to harness ambient magical energies and convert them into electrical power. Arc Tech is utilized in their vehicles, weapons, architecture, and even agriculture. A core component of Arc Tech is the Aetherion crystal, which is found in The Deep where The Hive resides and the Dwarves mine for resources. The focusing arrays used by the Drakaan for their Arc Tech weaponry are largely made of glassy fulgurite, a crystalline structure that appears above ground in The Dust and is formed by intense sandstorms that cause heat lightning. These focusing arrays are used to create lasers that ionize paths for their lightning guns, also known as Arc Weapons.   Drakaan vehicles utilizing Arc Tech are called Arcriders, as they use anti-gravity field generation through electromagnetic repulsor fields with directional control systems. The repulsors emit crackling electrical arcs, allowing the Arcriders to glide effortlessly across the ocean of sand that is The Dust. The Lightning Phylacteries are giant batteries used to store energy captured using Arc Tech receptors for long durations until needed.  


  Drakaan permanent structures are not too common in Dunia, but those that are established are designed to passively cool, and collect both energy and moisture. The permanent structures are more likely to be found near the various oases that are found around Dunia, with the largest populations of settled Drakaan near Ksar-Khartoba on the Western edge of the oasis. The windows typically have an overhanging shade to reduce light absorption. The outer walls of most homes are tall, to shade the central courtyard as much as possible. As a display of wealth or status, some courtyards might have a water fountain. Below the surface, they use hydroponic grow-trays to produce fruits and vegetables. Dome structures are frequently used since they do not require internal support structures and provide more efficient insulation against the elements and require less artificial cooling and heating. The materials they use to build their homes are often sourced from the surrounding environment, with sand, fibrous materials, clay, and stone. Their homes are often decorated with hunting trophies, intricate and lavish textile art, and if they're well-to-do, wooden furniture from imported trees.   Aboard a liveship, there are similar cultural trinkets that are kept aboard, but most of the layout of a liveship is similar to living aboard a naval destroyer or carrier, with narrow corridors, bulkheads. Lots of pipes and wires line the corridors, like arteries in a body. Bunks are small but cozy and frequently customized to their inhabitants' preferences. A liveship's layout varies from fleet to fleet, but there's a school, hydroponics farm, infirmary, workshop, and recreation center on board. The bunk areas are typically for individual family units and house up to six individuals at a time, with a kitchenette, separate sleeping area, individual bathrooms, and a small family area.  

Unique Vehicles

  Drakaan utilize their technology to build fleets of hovering craft that glide over the dunes and badlands with ease. These are called Arcriders. They use a form of extremely powerful electrostatic repulsion to glide, and harness both wind and electric turbine engine power to propel themselves. Some can get up to incredible speeds.   Drakaan Arc Tech Skiff   This skiff utilizes repulsion generators on its underside and operates off of residual lightning magic generated by the cataclysm. It has a fully sealed interior compartment and can operate either on wind power or electrostatic repulsion. This skiff type recharges its lightning phylacteries by sailing into the lightning-charged dust storms that swirl up through the wastes. Most come equipped with two harpoon turrets.   Drakaan Sand Trawler   This landship uses Drakaan Arc Tech to hover and emits a bassy warbling sound as it glides effortlessly above the sand. The Trawler is used in hunting raids to slay the massive Dunewyrm serpents. It is often seen adorned with sails covered in the colony's emblems, flags tattered from dust storms flapping in the wind on outstretched masts and brimming with harpoons and other weapons. It is a heavily armored vessel akin to the battleships of old. Like the Drakaan Arc Tech skiff, it collects its energy from the sandstorms and has a fully sealed helm. When moving at full speed, lightning arcs from its hull to the ground and it gives off a sound that the Dunewyrm is attracted to. It has cranes and mechanical winches that it uses to load the slain Dunewyrm corpse onto its center deck for processing. The Drakaan use all of its parts and waste nothing. More often than not, there will be new hires on these hunting parties from other species.   Drakaan Trade Barge   This gargantuan Arc Tech landship moves slowly but acts as a bazaar and embassy of sorts, with lavish bedding and as much decoration as a palace to be as inviting as possible; though the trade barge is never without escort, and armed guards sit atop conning towers to spot threats from afar. It has the most cargo capacity of any of the Drakaan vessels. Its interior is cooled by heat exchangers to be as comfortable as possible during the brutal summer days, and heated during the cold desert nights.   Drakaan Cutter   This Arc Tech landship is built to slug it out with other factions in the event a war breaks out or to intercept raiding parties and pound them into the dust with its lightning turrets and main cannon. It is the fastest of all of the Arc Tech landships and uses massive turbofans to propel itself across the wastes.   Drakaan Liveship   This Arc Tech landship is built for cultivating fresh fruit and vegetables and holding livestock. It uses condenser towers that line its deck to collect evaporated water vapor and turn it into a drinkable form. It is slow, and fairly light on defenses so it doesn't make its way out into foreign territory often unless the Drakaan have decided to pack up and move location. As a defensive measure, it can emit a large pulse of electrical energy to shock potential threats.  

Unique Weaponry

  Piledriver Cannon   A unique Drakaan invention developed specifically for hunting Dunewyrms and other large beasts, it is effectively a rocket-propelled harpoon that is launched using gas compression. On a critical hit, the target bleeds. The projectiles must be retrieved off of the target afterwards. Requires 2 hands to operate. Being a bulky and heavy weapon, it has a minimum strength requirement to operate   Chainlinked Piledriver Cannon   A modified Piledriver Cannon with a chain spool that can be reeled in manually. On a critical hit, the target will bleed. Creatures that have been hit with this must make a strength saving throw of DC15 + attacker's strength modifier if the reel bonus action is taken after a successful hit. A successful reel action can cause the target to be pulled to the ground or 10 feet towards the attacker. The additional weight on the harpoon makes the projectile drop sooner. Requires 2 hands to operate. While a target is tethered, the attacker has their movement halved.   Lightning-Tail Piledriver Cannon   A modified chainlinked piledriver cannon with an Arc Phylactery built into it. On a critical hit, the target will bleed. The additional weight on the projectile causes it to drop faster. Two different bonus actions can be taken after a successful hit. Either reel the target, or discharge lightning. Lightning discharge can deal an additional 1d6 damage if the target is still tethered and prevent any movement during that turn. To become untethered, the target must make a strength saving throw of DC15 with the attacker's strength modifier added on. While tethered, the attacker's movement is halved. Requires two hands to operate.   Double-headed Piledriver Cannon   A Piledriver cannon variant that can fire twice before needing to reload. On a critical hit, the target will bleed. There are two means of attacking. Once per action, or both harpoons at once. Firing both harpoons at once reduces the range and power of each individual harpoon. Requires two hands to operate.   Type-84 Arc Repeater   An arc weapon that fires lightning using an electrolaser, which ionizes a path using a focusing array. This weapon can rapidly fire off bursts of lightning, similar to an assault rifle. It is more powerful than a standard assault rifle but has a drawback where it will overheat if used too quickly in rapid succession. The shots chain to one additional target within a 15 foot radius. Its magazine size, focusing array (barrel), bayonet, scope, and cooling systems can be modified. Requires two hands to operate.   Damage: 6d6 Lightning + Int modifier   Bonus Damage: 1d4 lightning damage against an additional target within a 15 foot radius per attack   Range: 150/300   Magazine Size: 24 (each D6 counts as one shot)   Weight: 9   Type-98 Arc Sniper   An arc weapon that fires lightning using a high-powered electrolaser, which ionizes a path through the air using a focusing array. This weapon fires a singular powerful burst of lightning at extreme ranges. The shot, being more powerful can strike up to two additional targets, each within a 15 foot radius of one another, potentially hitting the second target up to 30 feet away if they chain from the first target. Its magazine size, focusing array (barrel), bipod, scope, and cooling systems can be modified.   Damage: 3D12 Lightning + Int modifier   Bonus Damage: 1d8 lightning damage against two additional targets in a 15 foot radius of one another   Range: 300/600   Magazine Size: 9 (Each D12 counts as one shot)   Weight: 13   Type-40 Arc Caster   An arc weapon that has a wide spread with its multi-port focusing array, functioning similarly to a shotgun. This effectively fires a 30 foot cone of lightning at short range. Being an arc weapon, the lightning can jump to an additional target outside the initial attack's area of effect for each target hit within a 10 foot radius. Its magazine size, focusing array (barrel), bayonet, and cooling systems can be modified. Being a fairly normal sized weapon, it does not have a minimum strength requirement. Requires two hands to operate.   Damage: 1D12 Lightning + Int modifier for each target in a 30 foot cone   Alternate fire: Focused Array - 2D12 Lightning + Int Modifier in a 45 foot line   Bonus Damage: 1d4 lightning damage against an additional target in a 10 foot radius of one another for each target hit on the first attack   Range: 30ft. cone / 60ft. focused array attack   Magazine Size: 8 (Each D12 counts as one shot)   Stock Cooling: 4 shots per turn not in use   Weight: 8   Type-87 Arc Pistol   A portable arc weapon that is easy to wield but has somewhat limited range, this weapon functions similarly to a handgun.   Damage: 3D8 Lightning + Int Modifier   Bonus Damage: 1d6 Lightning Damage against another target within 15 feet of the first target struck   Range: 45/90 feet   Magazine Size: 12   Weight: 4  

Racial Features

  Electrostatic Capacitance   Drakaan are capable of building up electrical energy and storing it in their bodies to unleash at a later point. After moving a minimum of 20 feet, Drakaan can add 1d4 lightning damage to a weapon attack, once per turn, or use it during a reaction. The charge can be stored for up to three turns.   Lightning Resistance   Drakaan are naturally resistant to lightning damage thanks to evolved traits from a hostile environment and genetic engineering.   Languages   You can speak, read, and write Common and Khar-Kushak. Khar-Kushak is the lingua franca and primary trade language of Dunia. It is a creole of two languages similar to Arabic and Hindi.   Age   Colonial Drakaan can live upwards of 120 years. They can start walking at 6 months, typically learning to speak around 1. They reach adulthood by the age of 20.   Drakaan Ingenuity   Drakaan are inherently resourceful and inventive tinkerers, with inventions ranging from small curiosities to impressive hovering vessels called Arcriders that cruise along the desert sands using the power of lightning.   Drakaan are excellent makeshift craftsmen. They can take materials and components and create a 'prototype' weapon or item that is based on something they've held or used in their travels. The crafting requirements are the same as the weapons or items they are copying. They can break down or dismantle any weapons for materials and components. To be able to craft a 'prototype' one must pass a DC10 investigation check upon holding and inspecting the weapon or item and will generate a 'prototype' schematic. This can be attempted once per long rest.   At level 3, they can craft prototypes based on items they'd held or used without a schematic requirement, but the prototype will break after 3 days. The prototype can combine features of two different items, but will inherit the stats of the first item. They can have up to one prototype at a time at level 3. All materials used are refunded once it breaks.   At level 5, they can craft an prototype that does not break. They can still only have one prototype at a time.   Drakaan Voltaic Arms   All Drakaan can use the Shocking Grasp Cantrip.   Drakaan Versatility   For PF2E: All Drakaan get a boost to Intelligence and a free ability boost   For D&D 5e: All Drakaan get a choice of adding a +2 to one ability of their choosing, or +1 to two abilities of their choosing  

Subspecies Features

  Colonial Drakaan Size   Colonial Drakaan are much smaller in stature compared to the Primals. They can range from 5-6.5 feet and weigh from 120-200 pounds. Their running speed is 30 feet.   Colonial Drakaan Inventiveness   Starting at level 5, Colonial Drakaan can craft and carry up to two 'prototypes' at a time instead of just the one. See the Drakaan Ingenuity feature.   Colonial Dexterity   For PF2E: Colonial Drakaan get a boost to Dexterity   For D&D 5e: Colonial Drakaan get +1 to Dexterity   Primal Drakaan Size   Primal Drakaan range from 6-8 feet, bordering on half-giant sizes. They can go from 200 to 300 pounds. Their running speed is 30 feet.   Primal Strength   Primal Drakaan count as one size larger when determining their carrying capacity and the weight they can push, drag, or lift.   For PF2E: Primal Drakaan get a boost to Strength   For D&D 5e: Primal Drakaan get +1 to Strength  

Drakaan-Unique Backgrounds

  Drakaan Forward Scout   The Drakaan forward scouts are sent out into the dunes and badlands to locate signs of Dunewyrms and other factions with little to no support. They utilize a crystal-powered Transceiver to send messages back to their clan's Arcrider flotilla the whereabouts and movement of important quarry. They are trained to go days without food or water and are exceptional at hiding and becoming completely motionless for extended periods of time. They have been trained to have exceptional navigational and observational skills.   Proficiencies: Perception, Survival   Tool Proficiencies: Survival Kit, Navigator's Tools   Equipment: Drakaan Transceiver (Pair), Drakaan Scouting Binoculars, Desert Cloak, Dew Collector   Drakaan Wyrmhunter   The Drakaan Wyrmhunters are exceptional pilots of the Arcrider ships and are proficient in handling this exotic type of vehicle. They are also very observant, needing to spot threats from a long distance away as they approach with their vehicles.   Proficiencies: Perception   Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's Tools, Repair Kit, Land Vehicles (Arcriders)   Equipment: Drakaan Transceiver (Pair), Drakaan Scouting Binoculars, Repair Kit
60-150 years
Average Height
2 meters


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