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The Dwarves

  One of the more small-statured hominid races, the Dwarves are quite industrious and technologically advanced, and had over the millennia spread across all continents. Proud, analytical, and stubborn, the Dwarves built an empire based on energy production, and held fast throughout the Cataclysm. The number of facilities they maintain has dwindled significantly when compared to prior to the Cataclysm, though. Dwarves maintain the Morgrim Energy Concern, or MEC corporation, still operational after everything else fell apart, along with a few independent Dwarven companies who run Mobile Refinery-Extractor Derricks that meander the land. The Extractor Derricks can be seen punching holes into the tunnel network below the surface known as The Deep, where they send their bravest, hardiest warriors to extract various rare resources found there. The Dwarves are known for their high-tech experimental weaponry that they wield that can do frightening things, such as a man-portable laser cannon that can burn holes straight through tank armor.   Dwarves are found across the entirety of Dunia, but their largest concentration is on Mudira-Karrah, the Ruined Continent, where they extract material wealth from The Deep. There they fight tooth and nail against monstrous creatures in the dark for valuable resources. This has lead to a very combat-oriented approach to most of their designs.  

Dwarven Clans

  Dwarves have strong connections to their clan's identity, being one of the key distinguishing factors that dwarves make amongst themselves. If you are going to play as a dwarf, this will give you a brief overview of each Clan's quirks, specialties, and subcultures. A Dwarven Clan is much less the tribe or surname of the clan, but a company under which many dwarves work and associate with.   Ayrenwyrc   The smallest clan that lives at the edge between the Northern Barrier Forest and the Vertebra, the Ayrenwyrc clan are a bunch of perfectionists when it comes to manufactured goods. They will spend months at a time in their workshops building sets of armor, tailored and perfectly fitted to the wearer's specifications with the best materials available. After monsters took over Bukhan, trade with the Hanguk-in suffered due to them spending most of their resources on survival. The Ayrenwyrc, right up until the Cataclysm, were developing in tandem with the Galstyr a suit called a 'Hardballer', said to be the equivalent of a mechanical suit built to augment the user's capabilities and act as a force multiplier, carrying an array of weaponry. The Hardballer blueprints were lost somewhere in Bukhan's former robotics laboratories, but are rumored to still be out there on a LightDrive storage unit.   Bagger   The Bagger clan, from the Eadwellian Isles, is one of the most widespread trading clans among the dwarves. They specialize in vehicles and vehicle maintenance. Almost all of their designs are employed by other Dwarven clans, and as a result they are the most outwardly friendly and amiable because of their frequent trade. If coming into contact with a dwarf, they'll most likely be from the Bagger or Morgrim clans. The Bagger clan invented at least a good third of the supposed '100 drinking games' of the dwarves. They are very curious and exploratory, and are not shy about it. If it's built by a Bagger, it's bound to have their clan logo slapped on it.   Crachencrait   A small clan that has relocated to the Coral Wastes that specialize in mechanized melee weapons. The Crachencrait clan has had to salvage tons of old tanker ships and other derelicts that were abandoned out in the Coral Wastes, and have built up several fortresses that dot the wasteland. The heart of the Crachencrait clan sits on on the coastline between mainland Jazirah and the Eadwellian isles. They are renowned monster hunters and take great pride in the weapons they use to fight giant ghost crabs and other creatures that threaten their homes. Nobody is fiercer than a Crachencrait fighter in close quarters. Their company's name is often shorted to C&C.   Galstyr   The Northernmost clan that specializes in robotics. They have frequent contact with the Vettir and other species that live on Barid. The Vettir's arrival on Dunia was a surprise, but the Galstyr clan quickly made friends with them and started exchanging notes on robotics research. They may live in a cold place, but they have warm hearts, in stark contrast to the machines they build. Galstyr drones and exosuits are known for their durability, and are highly prized for their quality. Their 'clan' corporation's name is shortened to GS-R, standing for Galstyr Systems and Robotics. They have supplied schematics to members of the Bagger clan in Mudira-Karrah for automatic gyroscopic stabilizers for their mechs, which are in turn transferred over to the Galstyr clan for maintenance. The design of the Tarantula dieselwalker was a joint effort between the two clans as well.   Morgrim   The Morgrim clan, one of the oldest in existence, also owns and operates the Morgrim Energy Concern corporation, which both operates mobile excavators in The Dust and designs advanced directed energy weapons. They were nearly wiped out by the Aphorini after one of their Oberlund extractors collapsed on top of an Ame-Amini queen's royal chambers, crushing her in the process. The blood feud lasted roughly a decade. They have a strong disdain towards the Aphorini as a whole, but are much more hostile towards the Ame-Amini subspecies. Being part of the Morgrim clan generally means that you have readily accessible powered mining equipment and at later points, more advanced energy weaponry. They largely operate on the Southern side of the Vertebra, in the Eastern Expanse of The Dust and come into frequent contact with other races in the region.   Tolfdir   The westerly Tolfdir clan specializes in advanced materials sciences and chemistry and have resided in the Westlands, otherwise known as Jazirah, for over 10,000 years. They know how to build chemical synthesizers. They used to operate the medical laboratories in Esparron and the more Northern Eadwellian isles, with an advanced chemical laboratory still operational in the coastal district of Twr ar y Graig Niwlog. They are not outwardly the most sociable bunch, but do enjoy a good drink and hearty meal, which tends to get them to open up and start talking your ears off about all the local ongoings as well as their latest projects. The Tolfdir clan has two subdivisions for its corporation. The chemical division is referred to as Tolfdir Chemworks, shortened to TC, and the kinetics division is simply named Tolfdir Kinetics, or TK.   Volkner   The Volkner clan owns and operates most of the mobile oil derricks on the Northern side of the Vertebra and has a weapons manufacturing base on the Western edge of the Vertebra. They are frequently impartial to external conflicts and choose to primarily exchange weaponry in exchange for materials and other goods. Their main manufacturing site is bristling with relic weaponry that points outwards towards The Dust from their imposing concrete fortress. They were the main supplier for the Shedari forces' weaponry during The Great War, and continued to produce firearms well into the Post-Cataclysm period. Before the advent of self-loading firearms, they were building cannons and artillery. Their clan's corporation is referred to as Volkner Industries, sometimes just shortened to Volkner.  


  Dwarves started off from the same hominid ancestor as Humans at one point, but through fundamental behavioral differences, took a different route than their larger relatives. In the early hunter-gatherer epoch of Dunia's history, Proto-Dwarves took to locating stones to make better tools with in cave systems, and focused primarily on digging and carving through stone in the sides of mountains to make abodes. This behavior carried on into their farming period where mushrooms took up a larger share of their diet, but they also incorporated grains, half living their lives on the surface and half living their lives below in the cave networks where they'd hunt.   Over time, the need to be able to fit into smaller locations resulted in smaller and smaller subsequent sizes of dwarves, through very deliberate selection. Their exposure to higher ambient magical volatility through their expeditions to the underground also altered their physiology a bit, resulting in abnormally long lifespans. Their eyes also adapted better to seeing in the dark. Due to consistent fighting and frequent mishaps they began to mutate to become more durable overall, resulting in the modern Dwarf of Dunia. Dwarven aggression is a bit higher than their other Hominid cousins as a result of the aforementioned fighting. Dwarven bone structure and musculature is denser but more compact than humans, and they have faster recovery rates than other hominids as well.   Despite being very widespread, Dwarves have somewhat homogenized genetics and do not have any major distinguishing factors from one another aside from clans, hair and skin color, and ethnicities, so dwarves are generally referred to as one species.  


  Dwarves as a whole are quite leery of magic usage and are often critical of things that use magic to function, calling them shortcuts. They have a strong work ethic, they work hard and play even harder. It is rare to find a dwarf who embraces magic usage, and they have strong superstitions surrounding its implementation. This also puts them at odd with elves, unsurprisingly. This fear or distrust of magic is largely a cultural thing, spread across the continents among the various dwarven clans after witnessing all the horrors and woes that the Karithat-Aldawi wrought upon the world. Not to mention various assassinations that happened during the pre-cataclysm era which were carried out by magic users. They are not quick to forget traumatic events and will hold a grudge.   Dwarves like inventing things and will plead with you to show you a weapons' features. They are very proud of their craftsmanship, and will suffer no insults to their work, though will concede when valid criticisms are levied against them, as they are taught to identify flaws in their work and others throughout their lives.   Dwarves tend to go on journeys of discovery and prospecting, frequently going in groups of four, as the buddy system works better when it's squared. The groups that are selected usually have complementary skills and specialties. The purpose of these journeys is to identify new extraction sites for the main group to relocate to.   Dwarves place a heavy emphasis on drinking culture and to a point it can get a touch extreme. Dwarves will easily drink one of their coworker Kobolds under a table. They have over 100 drinking games they will play, but the most famous one is 'Beers and Baubles' where for every unique gemstone or geode brought back from a mining trip, the dwarf that brought the least has to drink one beer for each bauble less they brought back between their haul and the biggest haul, then the next dwarf's haul, and so on and so forth, until everyone except the one that brought the most has at least had a few beers. The one that brought the most back has to drink a beer for each dwarf in the expedition. The other ones are 'Words and Whiskey' when watching old MagTape video recordings, there'll be a trigger phrase where the last person to mention a predicted or repeated phrase has to drink a shot of whiskey, like for example, if one of the characters in a movie about killer robots says "I'll be back" they all shout it and the last one to shout it has to drink.   Dwarves, like Kobolds, enjoy hearty foods that are portable. They frequently emphasize sandwich storage on their personal equipment as a bit of prime real estate, opting to carry extra sandwiches instead of bullets. You never know when you'll get hungry on an expedition, and a hungry dwarf is not an alert dwarf.  


  Dwarven architecture is often influenced by what type of geological features are nearby or present. They will most often build into the sides of mountains, plateaus, canyons, or wherever else puts a lot of rock and dirt between them and the sky. They often use concrete in their construction, so there may be some entrances poking out of cliffsides or other faces where it somewhat melds in with the landscape, leaving a relatively small footprint on the surrounding area.   Since Dwarves are highly utilitarian, a lot of their commercial and industrial structures will reflect that philosophy, with very few amenities aside from the bare necessities. The only exception, which is to be noted, is that almost every Dwarven outpost has a bar or pub of some sort built in somewhere with a rather cozy feeling compared to the harsh metallics and brutalist, industrial designs and machines that fill the halls otherwise.   Residential structures on the other hand imply a thoughtful and comfort-oriented approach to their housing. Dwarven homes aren't frequently found but those that are, are built to last through the apocalypse while simultaneously being welcoming.   Once inside, though, most visitors are greeted with a warm and inviting design usually, despite having so many hard surfaces.  


  Dwarven technological advancements are widely known, but the exact mechanisms of their designs are often inscrutable or unknowable to the laymen. Their greatest and largest contributions to the world were the Internal Combustion Engine, and Laser technologies in tandem with the Dragonborn, though laser weaponry is more of a Dragonborn's specialty. The dwarves also developed advanced plasma fusion equipment and portable fusion generators, probably 30-60 years before Earth would have on a similar timescale. Despite access to advanced power generation technology, they still often utilize diesel equipment and crude because of its comparative simplicity and ease of use.   A lot of Dwarven equipment is designed around functionality, and as such, they do not place a lot of emphasis on overall appearances. Some of the elders do like gold, though, and will frequently make embellishments that reflect their status. Most of the dwarven post-cataclysm equipment is geared towards mining and extraction, but frequently is repurposed as weaponry.   Dwarves use advanced sensor arrays on their equipment to detect potential targets, riches, and unstable environmental factors. This aids in avoiding dangerous situations while also providing advantageous amounts of information of their surroundings.  

Unique Vehicles

  Bagger 'Big Boy' Model 228 Oberlund Miner-Extractor Rig   Famously named the 'Big Boy', the Model 228 Oberlund Miner-Extractor Rig is a mobile base and factory that towers and trundles over the wastelands. It carries metric tons of ore in its 'saddlebags' inside its cargo hold which automatically sort and filter the various types of materials that are collected during the extraction process. Some variants are equipped with bucket-wheel excavator cranes, and others are equipped with 'Tin Bucket' drill pods that create micro-oscillations to loosen material as they dig. There's a landing pad for the 'Flyboy' Micro-VTOL on every 'Big Boy' extractor rig.   Bagger 'Delivery Boy' Model 30 Modular Armored Personnel Carrier   The 'Delivery Boy' is a heavily armored machine that has a lot of different functional roles it fulfills, often changing out some of the compartments for an ore refinery, or altering the front end for tunnel boring by mounting specialized equipment. Its primary purpose though is to carry dwarves and other miners around to jobsites safely. It is an overengineered piece of equipment that has incredible versatility. It can also be fitted with 'Ascender Pods' which rocket the dwarves in compact, padded pods up high to a laser-designated location. Most variants are equipped with traversal thrusters that allow it to make short jumps over canyons or flip themselves back over. Some can be equipped with autonomous scanning drones, and some function as mobile bases of operation.   Bagger 'Flyboy' Model 4 Micro-VTOL   The 'Flyboy' is a Micro-VTOL with a small carrying capacity but it has a remote chin gun that can be used to shoot at ground targets. It uses four small jet propulsion engines on outstretched arms that fold up for more convenient storage of the vehicle. It can carry up to two human-sized passengers and a pilot.   Bagger 'Tall Boy' Model 14 Modular Bipedal Diesel-Walker   Nicknamed the 'Tall Boy' for the fact that it's multiple times taller than your average dwarf, this walker operates off a dieselectric drivetrain and carries a pilot and gunner. The pilot operates two large guns that are actuated on swivels on either side of the walker's cabin, with ammo feeds coming from the large 'backpack' strapped to the vehicle. The gunner operates a remote chin turret and a missile launcher on the top.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) 'Tin Bucket' Model 83 Drilling Pod   A companion 'vehicle' built to dig deep into the ground at a rapid pace, the 'Tin Bucket' is a drilling pod deployed from the Bagger 228 'Big Boy' Extractors. The drilling pod uses micro-oscillations similar to the Kuthban-Tinin to loosen material it is digging into, so as to expedite the whole process of boring a hole deep into the ground. Doing so requires a lot of coolant or water to prevent the drillbits from overheating, so it cycles the coolant using a continual pump system that pushes the water upwards and away from the drill along the pod's frame to circulate heat. The coolant, once the heat exchange has occurred is cycled back down into the drillbit. Its only limit is fuel, but the deepest recorded drilling pod expedition has been roughly 3,000 meters underground, but this was done near the Vertebra, where the plates are extra thick.  

Unique Weaponry

  Dwarves have the largest collection of Exotic-class weapon schematics out of any of the species native to Dunia. The wide variety of equipment is often peddled off to other species and production is licensed out to allies of the various dwarven clans.   C&C H-13 Mechano-Hammer   A hand-sledge that has an additional mechanical strike driver built into it to crack armor (or rocks and ore). The device when used against opponents will deal extra bludgeoning damage that ignores armor. It is like being hit a second time with the weapon, with a magnetically operated striking pin inside.   C&C ROM-24-CD Remote Operated Motorized Cutting Disc   The ROM-24-CD is a portable cutting device that magnetically suspends a diamond-tipped rotary blade at a fixed distance from the weapon, moving to where the weapon is being aimed. It is capable of launching the disc at high velocities, with a small amount of bouncing capabilities. It will rip most targets in half and has been used against undead found in The Deep. It is also used in salvage operations to recover valuable materials from vehicles that have been damaged beyond repair.   C&C RH-39 Rockhammer   Effectively a stubby, portable jackhammer conveniently held in one hand with extra utility for demolitions, this industrial tool allows the wielder to gather twice the mineral or metal materials. The RH-39 Rockhammer is a pneumatically operated repeating piledriver type device that runs on an electric engine. The weapon does additional damage with repeat attacks on the same target and is incredibly effective against inorganic or hardshelled opponents.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) x-M-2-GTR Experimental Grav-Tether Repeater   The x-M-2-GTR or GTR for short is an experimental weapon that fires semi-homing Gravitic Darts which can be pulled towards a Gravitic Tether when activated by said Gravitic Tether. A number of consecutive attacks must be made against the intended target relative to the size of the target before they can be pulled towards the Homing Beacon. It fires 5 darts in an attack and has a magazine of 20 for the darts, and carries up to 4 Gravitic Tethers, deployed from a secondary launcher. The darts and beacon can be recovered from the body they were attached to but they must be recharged over an 8 hour period before they can be used again.   If the target's size class is Small, it takes only one successful attack with the darts to launch the target towards the Tether. If the target's size class is Medium, it takes two successful attacks. If the target's size is Large, it takes four successful attacks. Lastly, the largest size that it can move, Huge, requires eight successful attacks before it can be launched.   The Gravitic Tether is shot out at a designated point that the weapon operator can see and activated once it hits a surface, up to a maximum of 90 feet away. Firing the Gravitic Tether is a Bonus Action. The target is then pulled towards the homing beacon at a rate of 500 feet per turn, and the target takes unmitigated 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it moved before hitting the Tether's location. The Tether, and the Darts that were attracted use their charge.   The Gravitic Tether can be aimed up and shot in the air but a target will only travel upwards 150 feet. A Gravitic Tether can be shot at a moving target but an attack roll must be made to do this. Both targets will take equal damage upon collision and either be unable to move or knocked prone until the start of the operator's next turn when the Gravitic Tether deactivates. If the number of successful attacks is double what the size class requires to initiate a launch, the acceleration is doubled and therefore doubles the unmitigated fall damage dealt. Multiple GTRs can be fired at the same target. The Darts will only home in on one active Tether however, and even then, only the closest one.  
Rarity: Exotic, Very Rare
Dart Damage: 4d4 Piercing (Ignores Armor)
Tether Damage (Direct Hit): 1d6 Bludgeoning
Range: 45/90 (Darts), 45/90 (Tether)   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC), Inc. x-M-HPLC Portable Laser Cannon   Morgrim, not to be outdone by Armanov and Zarya, designed a high powered, portable laser cannon that can also be mounted on vehicles. It has the capability of dealing excessive amounts of damage in a single pulsed attack, burning holes right through vehicle armor, but has a short cooldown period during which it cannot be fired. The other mode creates a long-burn beam emitted from the weapon, which will heat the weapon up over time and then put it on a safety cooldown once it reaches its heat threshold, disallowing it from turning back on until its temperatures have safely dropped.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) M-8220-OC Handheld Ore Cutter   A miniaturization of a vehicle-mounted ore cutter, the M-8220-OC is a powerful electrothermal cutter that creates tunneling fractures in ore to prepare the materials for extraction. Applied to organic structures, though, it functions like a high powered plasma cutter. It creates a wide, slow-traveling plasma arc that it ejects at speed, which passes through most objects. Improvements to the plasma arc generator can widen the track of the projectile. The weapon also has an alternative fire mode where it can deploy a laser-triggered cutting beam emitter that repeatedly sends pulses once it starts for a short duration, dealing substantial damage to targets caught in the beam.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) x-M-99-PBW Particle Beam Weapon   Originally a mining tool designed to break up super dense materials prior to extraction, the Morgrim Energy Concern repurposed the device as an experimental beam weapon that erodes armor and heats up the target. It deals splash in an area from the target point, and its secondary fire emits a radial blast that pushes back targets. It is a sort of particle accelerator that fires highly ionized sheared particles from a composite block of heavy metals which is then fed through a magnetic focusing array. It is an exceedingly rare weapon to find but it does a terrifying amount of damage to targets.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) M-20-PPH Plasma Projector Handgun   The Plasma Projector Handgun, or M-20-PPH, is a weapon that can rapidly discharge projected plasma spheroids that maintain coherence for a decent distance before dissipating rapidly. The weapon can 'hold' multiple charges before launching the plasma magnetically at a lower velocity and then a secondary plasma bubble with opposing charge can be used to detonate the multi-charge spheroid for a powerful blast greater than the sum of its parts. Its primary limitation is its heat capacity, needing to vent heat after just a few shots.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) M-50-PPR Plasma Projector Repeater   The Plasma Projector Repeater is a larger, rapid-fire version of the PPH, and has left its experimental phase in recent years, becoming a matured technology. Its individual projectile damage is slightly lower, but the buildup of electrothermal energy induces mechanical stress in a lot of vehicles and hardened armor targets, not to mention heat causing things to catch on fire. It also boasts a larger heatsink and better cooling systems so it can maintain sustained fire and inflict more damage in a shorter period of time.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC), Inc. x-M-PMG Portable Microwave Gun   The x-M-PMG Portable Microwave Gun is a horrifying weapon that cooks living and organic materials from afar, applying dangerous microwaves at a distance, potentially causing blood to literally boil inside a body, thereby bypassing most physical resistances. In extreme cases, it can cause the affected target to explode. It can also be used to interfere with missiles, radio communications, and wireless electronics, possibly disabling drones and causing them to stop functioning or crash into the ground. There is a larger variant of this weapon that is mounted to vehicles with extended range. Some Morgrim radar engineer cooked up this idea after leaving soup on top of a radar dish, to find it warmed up later on, despite the surrounding temperatures being relatively cold, and invented a microwave oven. It was the same engineer that later decided to weaponize it after accidentally leaving leftover steak for too long in the microwave, returning to find that the steak exploded all over the inside.   Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC), Inc. x-M-PPC Portable Plasma Cannon   The x-M-PPC is effectively an upscaled plasma projector gun, which serves more of an 'artillery' role, functioning similarly to the well-known Fireball spell, but with a twist. The projectile itself is carried through the air using a magnetic spheroid, which upon impact destabilizes the entire plasma bubble, creating an electrothermal explosion, possibly vaporizing targets within its radius. Along its travel path, however, its plasma will arc at nearby targets, dealing death as the bright sphere moves. The bubble does not start expanding its ionized gas until roughly 15 or so feet after it leaves the barrel of the weapon, which is a safety measure built into the projectile's design. The velocity and power of the sphere can be adjusted, with a slower moving sphere having a larger explosion radius, and a faster moving sphere reaching its target sooner with a slightly smaller explosion radius.   Tolfdir Chemworks (TC) C-RDL-3 Remote Detonator Launcher   The TC C-RDL-3, otherwise known as the Remote Detonator Launcher is a proximity-charge/remote charge type blasting tool that is often used as a shorter range, but more powerful grenade launcher, capable of carrying up to five plastic explosive 'pucks' in its magazine. The pucks themselves have a shaped charge with a quick acting multi-adhesive, instantly sticking them to whatever surface they are fired at and detonating when the user chooses. These pucks are often used to set up traps when there's no other options for defense as a type of minelayer. The pucks are shot out of the weapon using a pneumatic compressor, giving it a somewhat satisfying 'bloop' sound when it fires. It was originally made as an excavation tool for gaining access to more difficult-to-reach ore.   Tolfdir Chemworks (TC) TK-IEG-900 Imploder-Exploder Grenade   A two-stage grenade that uses an exotic 'Gravitic Charge' component to generate a micro-singularity to pull targets towards its center and then detonates all of the accumulated mass in a large radius, repelling all targets inside its area of effect at high velocity.   Tolfdir Kinetics (TK) TK-FPG-90 Force Projector Gun   The TK-FPG-90 Force Projector Gun can generate a localized micro-singularity at a designated point by launching a gravitic spheroid at a surface. This micro-singularity was originally made to collect loose ore, but the engineers at Tolfdir Kinetics saw an opportunity to trap opponents in a strong gravitational field, pulling objects and creatures alike into its middle, to be easily dispatched by the weapon's primary fire. The primary fire of this weapon creates an instantaneous knockback effect by shaping the spheroid into a cylindrical pattern that produces devastating shifts in gravity. Normally, it is built to be non-lethal, but most of the time the safety limiters are taken off and it can produce crushing forces that can cause cavitations, even in tank armor.   Tolfdir Kinetics (TK) TK-JPG-42 Jet Propulsion Gun   More of a mad engineer's oversized displacement toy than anything else, the TK-JPG-42 can produce gusts so strong that they can push massive targets as large as a car in any direction the wielder chooses, provided they themselves are strong enough to plant their feet and hold steadfast. The JPG-42 can also be used to flip vehicles over or force them to lose control or knock aerial targets out of the sky. Sometimes, if the operator is skillful enough, they can use it to launch themselves in a direction of their choosing or even briefly hover. As a weapon it is a bit tough to use properly, but clever users will find ways. It is often best to pair the device with armor mods that create an anchoring effect to counteract the extreme forces.  

Racial Features

  Dwarven Resilience   As a dwarf, your Constitution score increases by 2. Additionally, your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.   Dwarven Versatility   As a Dwarf, you may choose one of the two following ability scores to increase by 1: Intelligence or Wisdom.   Darkvision   Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Age   Dwarves reach maturity around the same age as other hominids in their late teens, but aren't considered adults until around the age of 30 to 40 years, and live upwards of 300 years thanks to magical mutations from cave exploration altering their cellular decay rates and telomeres.   Size   Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall, and range from 100 to 150 pounds in weight. Their size is classified as medium.   Speed   Your base walking speed is 25 feet.   Dwarven Armor Aptitude   You may wear any armor without a penalty to movement speed or evasion and are granted a bonus to evasion equal to your Proficiency Bonus when wearing armor. You are considered trained in all armor types, but will only be granted the armor types afforded by your chosen class' starting equipment.   Dwarven Languages   You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarven. The Dwarven language is mostly ingvaeonic and can be closely compared to a blend of old English, Gaelic, and Germanic languages.  

Dwarven Clan Knowledge

  You are given the schematics affiliated with your chosen clan at the specified levels. You also gain tool proficiencies associated with crafting and maintaining those schematics at 1st level.   Ayrenwyrc
Tools: Smith's Tools, Mechanics Kit
Schematics: All Baseline Armors (3rd Level), Blast-Resistant Padding (5th Level), Ayrenwyrc Lockdown Utility Mod (9th Level), Ayrenwyrc X-40 Hardballer Exosuit Prototype (15th level)     Bagger
Tools: Mechanic's Kit, Electronics Kit
Schematics: Bagger 'Delivery Boy' Model 30 Modular Armored Personnel Carrier (3rd Level), 'Delivery Boy' Model 30 Multi-Launch Weapons Module (5th level), Bagger 'Flyboy' Model 4 Micro-VTOL (9th Level)     Crachencrait
Tools: Smith's Tools, Electronics Kit
Schematics: C&C H-13 Mechano-Hammer (3rd Level), C&C RS-7 Rocket-Slammer Mod (5th Level), C&C ROM-24-CD Remote Operated Motorized Cutting Disc (9th Level)     Galstyr
Tools: Electronics Kit, Robotics Kit
Schematics: GS-R Mk. I 'Rockhound' Mining Companion Drone (3rd Level), GS-R 'Rockhopper' Jump Boots armor mod (5th Level), GS-R 'Ironward' Supplementary Robotic Shield Mod (9th Level)     Morgrim
Tools: Electronics Kit, Gunnery Kit
Schematics: Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) M-20-PPH Plasma Projector Handgun (5th Level), Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) M-8220-OC Handheld Ore Cutter (9th Level), Morgrim Energy Concerns (MEC) x-M-2-GTR (15th Level)     Tolfdir
Tools: Chemistry Kit, Electronics Kit
Schematics: Tolfdir Kinetics (TK) TK-IEG-900 Imploder-Exploder Grenade (5th Level), Tolfdir Kinetics (TK) C-RDL-3 Remote Detonator Launcher (9th Level) Tolfdir Chemworks (TC) T-2030 Chemical Synthesizer (15th Level)     Volkner
Tools: Gunnery Kit, Ammunition Press
Schematics: Volkner Industries KG-3 Battle Rifle (3rd Level), Volkner Industries MP-66 Submachine Gun (5th Level), Volkner Caseless C11 Prototype Burst Rifle (9th Level)


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