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The Humans

  Humans are among the most diverse and adaptive species on Dunia, with numerous cultures and varied identities, languages, and technologies, they have propagated across the world and retained a foothold, even after the Cataclysm. Their somewhat short, ambitious lives are filled with action taken, impulse, and desire. Their greatest strength, it is said, is not that they are exceptional at one thing, but capable of many things when they collaborate. Individually they are not tremendously strong or incredibly dextrous but their combined abilities have brought about wonders that have shaped the world. The exchange of ideas, technology, and culture strengthens the very foundation of their society at large, and made it possible for them to become the dominant species on Dunia. The expression 'only human' implies a flawed self, wanting for greater abilities, but this introspection also serves them well.   Humans represent a range of various peoples adapted to their surroundings and conversely manipulating their surroundings to suit them. They are capable of great creation and invention, but also terrible destruction and abuse. They are a spectrum, with each individual, even in a small family, being very different from one another.  


  Each of the human ethnicities have their own language, culture, and social rules. While humans are all one people, their fierce identities and individuality set them apart from one another.   Belgorost   The Belgorost people are from the Northernmost edge of Karrah (The main continent), a hardy people known for their hard spirits and hardy spirits. Despite being from such a cold region, they are open and friendly. Traditionally, they are herders and farmers, but in antiquity up until the modern era, they used to be a much more war-hungry people seeking to raid nearby regions for riches. They are at least now on friendly terms with the people of Hanguk and work with the Dragonborn. Their greatest inventions are chemical compounds that help protect against the extreme elements, and rockets.   Eadwellian   The Eadwellian people were part of the Northern nations of Jazirah (Or as they call it, the Westlands), from the peninsular land of Eadwell, and were spared some of the worst effects of the first shockwave from the Cataclysm, but quickly fell to ruin when the second shockwave hit and mutated most of the native fauna. Prior to the Cataclysm, they established themselves as primarily a trading nation and secondarily as a sort of small Empire, quite possibly eclipsed by the Verdoyant's imperial expansionism, but their widespread insistence on attempting to colonize everything or at least have a trading post everywhere left a mark on the world's languages, for better or worse. Culinarily they are considered strange or bland, but their alcohol is incredibly strong and well-regarded. An Eadwellian pub was generally the most desirable gathering place in villages before the Cataclysm. Some try to keep that tradition alive.   Hanguk-in   The people of the former Northern nation of Hanguk. They are known as survivors and monster hunters, while also having somewhat of a sprightly overall demeanor. There are numerous inventions they devised that sprang from necessity after the Cataclysm, allowing them to traverse the overgrown decaying megacity that was once called Bukhan while evading predators and monsters. Their territories spread further South into The Vertebra as a people, but they were geographically and politically distinct from one another, Sumgyeojin was at one point a state with a distinctly isolationist and authoritarian approach to its rule, whereas the Northern state of Bukhan was significantly more open to trade with its neighbors, but had extreme economic disparity. Culinarily, the Hanguk-in love spicy foods, beer, chicken, and sweets (where possible). No matter what, though, the Hanguk-in are best known for a strong sense of unity, duty, fighting injustices and are some of the most polite people on the planet.   Ishumari   The Ishumari people were displaced before the Cataclysm, separated and hunted down by stronger established nations which have since dissolved. They have survived the worst conditions the world has had to offer, though they mostly call The Western Expanse in the Dust their home. They are artistically rich in their culture, both in music and in writing, but often sing sad songs about exploitation, oppresssion, and other problems that they face in life. Their culture is largely matrilineal, with inheritence passed from the mother to the children. Water is the most precious resource to them and while occasionally they've been made to settle for farming, they still move from one location to another when drought or other particularly harsh conditions face them. The Ishumari also revere the usage of indigo derived from desert plants, as it is frequently incorporated into their clothing but also used as a protective sunscreen. Sometimes because of the dye's usage in their clothing stains their skin blue from perspiration, but it is a harmless side effect.   Kikongo   The mountain-locked people of the former Kikongo region are still rich, both culturally and resource-wise. They are incredibly inventive and have retained a lot of the pre-cataclysm knowledge thanks to their relatively protected geographic region in the Vertebra. They are capable of taking anything and making anything with it. They are known for their DIY, can-do attitudes, veracity for learning, and funky music.   Le Verdoyant   The people of Jazirah (the Westlands), whom have changed substantially over time and fragmented after the Cataclysm. They have fierce identities amongst themselves. Sometimes nicknamed 'The Greens' for where they come from, but not because of their appearance. They are very diverse. At one point they were at war with the nations of Karrah before the Cataclysm, allied with several now-defunct nations. The war was sparked by an assassination of one particularly inflammatory leader through use of magic, and by extension the older generations are extremely leery of any magic use. Traditionally, they are heavy drinkers and have a strong affinity for baked goods and cheeses, and are generally known as cynics. They are closely allied with the Orcs, who largely helped the Verdoyant establish a foothold in their regions cooperatively. They have a long-standing historical alliance with the Orcs.   Paraktian   The coastal Paraktian people are fairly laid-back and sun-kissed, known for their seafaring affinities and propensity to party. The Paraktian people are generally found on the Southern portion of Mudira-Karrah, and the greatest concentration of Paraktian peoples is around Erimipoli, historically a Paraktian port. They are very fond of talking politics while drinking and playing board games as a pastime. They are excellent fishermen and sailors and are known for their delicious, fresh and simple food as well as seafood. While they were previously a patriarchal society, it is really the mothers that rule the households and therefore guide the direction of a family. They're obsessive about taking care of their family, not unlike the Turabi.   Shedari   The Shedar people are simultaneously the most sedentary and populous ethnicity on Karrah, but also the most transient. Some of their members are transient groups that migrate from region to region but are most frequently found in the 'Dust'. Most of the Shedar peoples are found on Mudira-Karrah proper and in 'The Dust'. They at one point became the dominant people on the continent of Karrah, spreading their culture and language, Khar-Kushak, across the world, but were knocked from their high pedestal by the great equalizer: The Cataclysm. Some still follow the old ways from before their nation became a superpower. One could compare the followers of the old ways to modern-day Bedouin tribes. The nomads amongst the Shedari are quite inventive but rather reclusive and frequently change their location dependent on the seasons, whether it is the cultivation season or the grazing season since they follow a pastoral lifestyle. The largest concentration of the Shedari people are in the Eastern Expanse of Mudira-Karrah around Ksar-Khartoba.   Taala-Rasa   The Taala-Rasa people have lived in the shrubland regions of Karrah for the longest time, but are among the most widespread and well-traveled people on Dunia. In their native language, Taala-Rasa roughly translates to 'The Essence of Rhythm' which sort of denotes the rhythmic pattern of everything. They are known for their rich tapestries, storytelling, and deep personal spirituality. Most would choose non-violent lifestyles if that were an option available to them. Music is precious to them and is also used as a form of storytelling. Historically they were oppressed and exploited by the Eadwellian trade empire and had a fierce competition with the Shedari peoples. The greatest concentration of Taala-Rasa people are Southeast of the Eastern Expanse of The Dust.   Tangata   The island-borne Tangata are quite isolated from the rest of the world, though some venture out from the island of Malabar. They adorn themselves with tatau as part of their life-journeys and speak a unique language not influenced by mainlanders, so Common is often a secondary language. Being in proximity to the ocean, they are frequently in or on the water and are proficient sailors. There's a lot of unique facets to their culture that aren't well-known to outsiders. There is a cultural schism between the traditionalists who want to preserve their culture and land, and those that want to modernize and develop new technologies for the express purpose of war. This schism has persisted since before the Cataclysm for a couple generations, starting with the influx of Eadwellian and Verdoyant trade.   Turabi   The Turabi people are most commonly found in the Oases of the Dust and the Badlands, but are also found near or in Paraktian settlements. They pride themselves on hospitality, coffee, good food, and debating others. A very family-centric culture with a philosophy of 'everyone is your friend' once you've met them. They do not abide by anyone being rude to them or their people and are quick to anger. The Turabi share a lot of cultural and societal similarities with Paraktians due to regional proximity and frequent trade.  


  Humans have had to make do with the mass desertification on Dunia through sheer engineering power and communal resilience. As most sapient species were unaffected by the second shockwave, humans have had to use the resources available to them to adapt to the world altered by the magical forces that changed it forever. It's less that humans' bodies have adapted to this new world, but more that humans have adapted their minds and altered their surroundings to their liking.  


  Human technology has varied widely across the different nations but one could roughly compare their cutting edge technology to late 1980's Earth tech, or at least what was cutting edge for the time. There were still some experimental weapons and vehicles that were taken a bit further than our current tech here on Earth but it was mostly advanced materials science shared from other hominids like the Orcs, Tieflings and Dwarves that really carried it beyond current day. War has almost always been the primary driver for technological advancements so we can kill each other more effectively and in new and terrifying ways.   Some could even say that on Dunia it's a good thing that the Cataclysm occurred, otherwise the planet would have eventually become an irradiated wasteland thanks to growing tensions between the nations in the Westlands and those on Karrah. Ultimately, if that had happened, life would have been even further on the edge of extinction. There's still some nuclear stockpiles hidden somewhere that peoples have forgotten about, but might accidentally stumble upon information and treat it as a treasure map for hidden riches or technological caches.   Post-Cataclysm, Human tech is mostly salvaged from the leftovers. There are still some advancements being made but it's largely stagnated thanks to the dissolution of global trade and stability.  

Unique Vehicles

  Nuclear-Powered Submarine ENSEA 01 - The ENSEA 01 was a cooperatively-developed nuclear-powered submarine intended to explore below the ice of Kutib, but it was never meant to be. The Cataclysm struck while the ENSEA 01 was still under construction, and most, if not all desire for exploration ceased. A generation passed, the ENSEA 01 was all but forgotten as a relic of a bygone era, as people fought one another to meet basic necessities, or struggled to survive the monsters that emerged after the Cataclysm. It was recovered by a group of intrepid engineers looking for lost tech on the southern edge of Jazirah, who continued its construction to completion following the original blueprints in the facility. It's now used as a scientific vessel deployed from Saghira-Aqsaa.   Jet-Turbine Overland Train VS-81 (Vitesse Supérieure, Model 81) - The VS-81 was an incredibly ambitious engineering marvel during its heyday, being a high speed overland train capable of crossing large swathes of terrain with impunity. It was originally a joint development between the Verdoyant and Eadwellian nations. It proved to be incredibly useful for moving supplies to remote areas but its operational days would be cut short by the Cataclysm. Turns out moving large amounts of materials and supplies all at once is very efficient but the vehicles require a lot of maintenance to operate smoothly. It was left abandoned for roughly 20 years in the middle of a windless desert, baking in the sunlight until it was reclaimed, rebuilt, and cleaned up by some sentimental engineers who had previously worked on it. They used it to conduct rescue operations near Manosque and Annecy, and now it's used as an inland exploration vehicle, though now weaponized and bearing tons of armaments to fend off against the monsters of the Interior Continent. It can maintain a speed of 60mph in offroad conditions and up to 120mph when in ideal conditions.  


  Human culture is incredibly varied and largely regionally-dependent. See the different ethnicities for greater details.  


  Belgorost modern architecture often employs the brutalist approach, but their traditional buildings often echo the heyday of their Czars with lavish wooden structures and colorful siding, sat atop with gilded onion-shaped domes. Extant examples that have survived the Cataclysm are primarily their brutalist designs, such as a very imposing ballet and opera house that was used as shelter at one point, now converted into a headquarters for a settlement that built up around it.   Paraktian and Turabi architecture often incorporates concrete, bricks, stone and white paint to improve insulation against the heat, which is generally relatively cool on the inside even without air conditioning in use. Their buildings are usually closely packed, designed for human-scale footpaths which reinforce a sense of community as neighbors pass one another by.  

Unique Weaponry

  Belgorost   Kisteni Flail - A Belgorost weapon, the Kisteni Flail was used to reach and bludgeon targets at greater distances than traditional flail weapons. Can inflict the dazed status.   RDB-D-971 - This Rostov Design Bureau assault rifle follows the D-74 family's overall design profile but has some unique recoil cancellation mechanisms and has occasionally been described as a clockwork nightmare when it comes to maintenance. It boasts improved controllability meaning it can perform extended bursts without issue. Rare, but can be found in some bunkers.   Eadwellian   Experimental Pulsed Energy Projectile Rifle (x-PEPR) - An experimental non-lethal weapon that uses an infrared laser pulse which ablates the target's surface and creates exploding plasma, this produces an intense pressure wave that stuns the target through damaging nerves nerves and may cause temporary paralysis. Can be made lethal through power settings. Its blueprint can be obtained in research facilities on the Eadwellian Isles. The experimental model uses a deuterium-fluoride laser to generate the pulse.   SAR-80A3 - The Standard-issue Assault Rifle, Model 80, A3 variant survived the Cataclysm. Its defining features are a bullpup configuration with a distinct green polymer frame. Because of the increased overall barrel length it boasts higher range but it's also heavier. Blueprints and existing examples can be obtained on the Eadwellian Isles and on Malabar.   Hanguk-in   Dangpa - A spear-type weapon that can potentially stop attacks and disarm opponents.   Hwando - A single-edged sabre-type weapon that was carried as a last resort for infantry before the Great War period. Its design has had a resurgence in popularity since the cataclysm.   Jedok Geom - A bit of a misunderstanding between Hanguk speakers and foreigners, the Jedok Geom is actually a technique and not a specific sword used by the Hanguk-in. It is often referred to as the Commander Sword or Admiral's Sword technique. There are multiple versions of this technique. A single-edged straight longsword, called a Jikdo, is used as the primary blade with a secondary straight sword at the waist as a backup. It most often involves wielding the Jikdo alone. The reasoning for carrying two blades, despite not using them both at the same time, was that during naval combat engagements, a rolling deck could mean disarmament if one lost their grip or footing. Lunging slashes, spinning slashes, and other movements comprise this highly fluid, momentum-based style of swordsmanship that allows the wielder to maneuver in and out of striking distance.   Mugi Co. H11 DAW - an advanced dual-barrel airburst weapon that fires both intermediate cartridges and 20mm explosive airburst grenades.   Ishumari   Takoba Sword - A one-handed sword designed specifically for the express purpose of self defense, this weapon can be used to potentially block melee attacks and punish opponents   Telek Dagger - A dagger that is worn with the point pointing towards the elbow and strapped to the wrist, it can be drawn to parry and block melee attacks   Taraka Pistol - A collapsible guided flechette weapon capable of bypassing armor, often laced with highly toxic paralysis venom extracted from desert creatures.   Kikongo   Dikundu Buta-mata (Lit. Machine Rifle-Gun) - An armor-piercing machine gun with high muzzle velocity and pressure with a low fire rate   Gonga Mata (Lit. Fear Gun) - A custom-built automatic shotgun that can inflict the Frightened status if nearby enemies fail a Wisdom saving throw   Lobala Knife - A wide-bladed dagger used both as a currency but also in rituals. When wielded by the Kikongo, it is capable of being used as a magical focus and as a weapon   Tetala Knife - A special dagger that can pierce armor when magically charged, can also be used to parry attacks as a reaction   Le Verdoyant   Erys - A wire-guided semi-autonomous missile launcher that can be fired over and around obstacles and adjust its trajectory mid-flight. It was developed fairly late into the cold war and had only entered service just two years before the Cataclysm.   MDE AT-52 (Automatique Transformable Model 52) - A lever-delayed blowback machine gun that uses full powered rifle rounds, it pierces armor but is a bit awkward to fire from the shoulder. It has a fairly long range and uses a quick-swap heavy barrel. Its main limitation is its magazine size when being carried normally. It replaced the old Saint-Denis heavy machine gun as the main service machine gun for the Verdoyant armies.   Saint-Denis 30mm Autocannon - A 30mm autocannon that is crew-served on numerous Verdoyant vehicles. Sometimes seen strapped to the back of the odd Dune Devil 4x4 truck. There's no man-portable version but it can be loaded with airburst rounds to counteract aerial targets.   Dueling Sabre - A finesse weapon that is excellent at 1-on-1 fights   Paraktian   Kefeus R-95 - A paraktian-designed bolt-action sniper rifle with a free-floating barrel and incredible accuracy.   Nychia R-21 - A late pre-cataclysm design meant to replace the aging Vollmer KG3 as the primary Paraktian armed forces standard issue rifle, the R-21 boasts a high degree of modularity and is also very lightweight and durable for what it is. It is effectively based on the Morgan Arms A-15 platform and is ambidextrous with its control systems. It can use both intermediate and rifle cartridges, but has to be converted during a short or long rest.   Shedari   Mono-Garrote - An easily concealed weapon that is drawn from a spool attached to the wrist, the Mono-Garrote is used to choke opponents to death while grappled or slice their necks.   Micro-Oscillating Blade - A shortsword-length weapon capable of bypassing most armor when thrust at an opponent, the Micro-Oscillating blade of the Shedari is a rare find but considered one of the best blades in existence for its ability to cut and pierce incredibly well. It is often referred to as a Mikosi blade.   Heat Dispersal Gun - A short-range experimental plasma emitter that was developed during the pre-Cataclysmic cold war, it can emit a blast of plasma in a cone or at a singular point. It is exceedingly rare to find one.   Infantry-Deployed Man-Portable Air Defense Cluster System - A single-tube missile system with independent submunitions that seek out a target and have a smart airburst detonation fuse, the IMPACS weapons platform was deployed maybe 1-2 years before the Cataclysm occurred.   UQ-80 ICBM - The Udajaani-Qunbulat 80 or UQ-80 is effectively a hydrogen-based ICBM that was developed late into the Jazirah-Karrah arms race prior to the Karithat-Aldawi, or Cataclysm. It was estimated to have roughly an 80 megaton yield and could travel at speeds of Mach 7 in LEO using a STOL mechanism. It was developed in a joint weapons program between the Shedari and Taala-Rasa nations. It was hypothesized to be capable of wiping out a radius of roughly 90 km, disrupting all radio communications and sending a rippling shockwave effect that would have enough energy to not only cause earthquakes but cascade around Dunia four times over. It was never fired in a conflict and sits somewhere, waiting in an unmarked silo beneath the dunes.   Taala-Rasa   Chakram - A thrown, lightweight and flat ring-shaped blade that can be easily thrown even from enclosed spaces. It outranges the Raider-designed wingblade and can even be used in hand-to-hand combat. They are typically spun around the index finger when they are ready to be deployed. The flat, aerodynamic discus also self-stabilizes as it flies through the air while spinning, meaning its bladed edge is very likely to find purchase. Typically carried 5 at a time.   Katar - A specialized, wide bladed push dagger that is held like a knuckle duster, the Katar is often used by pugilists and martial artists as a means of putting the full force of their blows behind a singular, concentrated point. The motion of attack is very much akin to a punch. It can ignore up to two grades of armor when wielded by someone who specializes in unarmed attacks. It is classified as a knuckle-weapon.   Khanda - A symbolically and religiously important weapon to the Taala-Rasa, the Khanda is not only used in martial arts but sometimes as a prop for performances and plays. It is a double-edged, high quality straightsword with a flat tip that has a greater amount of weight behind its swings than a normal sword. They frequently feature a handguard and a spike on the pommel for doing additional strikes. It is excellent for wide sweeping attacks and can strike multiple opponents in a single sweep. It also has a technique where the wielder can perform an overhead strike that deals additional damage when the wielder's life is threatened.   Khukri - This curved blade is a very versatile tool which can serve several purposes, but it is primarily a chopping weapon. Its heavier curved portion of the blade makes it an excellent chopping tool similar to an axe or a machete. When using it as a tool for gathering from animals or plants, you get a +3 circumstantial bonus to Survival checks. It is also a weapon that cannot be disarmed thanks to its notch in the base of the blade.   Asmi PDW - The Asmi PDW as developed late before the Cataclysm as a crew-operated short barreled bullpup rifle. It was developed as a domestic replacement for the imported SMGs that were manufactured outside of Taala-Rasa territories and for a substantially lower cost. Its name roughly means "Pride, Self Respect, and Hard Work" and was made specifically for the Taala-Rasa Armed Forces or TARAF. It is super compact and uses intermediate rounds, shared with the TaRSAS 1T1.   TaRSAS 1T1 - The Taala-Rasa Small Arms System is an automatic rifle platform that can be configured either as an Assault Rifle or as a Light Machine Gun - this was done for logistical purposes so that the Taala-Rasa Armed Forces (TARAF) only needed to manufacture one ammunition type.   KALI Experimental Laser System - The KALI is a vehicle-mounted chemlaser that can burn holes straight through armor and can intercept guided munitions. There aren't many examples of this weapon that survived the Cataclysm but they can be obtained from some research compounds and secure facilities.   Tangata   Taiaha - A unique natural bludgeoning weapon infused with spiritual energies that bypass physical armor and deal magical damage. It is often adorned with vibrant feathers to confuse the opponent, sometimes fitted with a spearhead that can deal piercing damage. Tangata druids prefer this weapon to firearms.   Patu Onewa - A small dark volcanic stone hand-club meant to finish opponents in combat, like the Taiaha, this one is infused with powerful spiritual energies that allow it to bypass physical armor and deal magical damage. It deals double the damage to prone opponents.   Hukātara X-30 (Lit. Hailstorm) - An experimental high-tech multi-barreled firearm with superimposed ammunition that can achieve a theoretical fire rate of 30,000 rounds per minute. Was developed as part of a joint weapons program between the Tangata and their Eadwellian allies.   Tūmatakōkiri X-MM-01 (Lit. Meteor Impact) - An experimental high-tech weapon that propels molten metal via electromagnetic acceleration with an explosive trigger mechanism. It is designed to perforate and defeat armor, dealing a secondary explosion once it has pierced the target.   Turabi   Kilij - A sword with a singular curved blade that was often used by cavalry. It was made to be capable of stabbing and slashing.   Yatagan - A longsword with a singular curved blade that was frequently used by the Turabi nations' navies and especially their elite soldiers historically. It has had a resurgence in popularity as a backup weapon post-cataclysm.   Silmac TS-S1 - A magazine-fed gas-operated shotgun that was used by the Turabi special forces before the Cataclysm occurred. Somewhat resembles the D-74 in silhouette.   Silmac TAS-15 - A futuristic pump-action shotgun with two over-barrel magazines, can switch between two ammo types without needing to reload. Was designed specifically for police force usage prior to the Cataclysm.  

Species Traits

  Ability Score Increase   Your ability scores each increase by 1.   Ability Score Increase (optional)   You instead increase two ability scores by 1 and take an additional feat at 1st level   Age   Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live close to a century.   Size   Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.   Speed   Your base walking speed is 30 feet (9 meters).   Languages   You can speak, read, and write Common, your Ethnicity's language, and one extra language of your choice  

Ethnic Knowledge

  Humans are generally crafty and will share knowledge amongst themselves and others. Knowledge is often passed from one another because it helps the group do better. Each of the ethnicities on Dunia have their own inventions that have great utility where they preside. Sure, the gnomes might be brilliant with magical inventions, but humans are extremely resourceful with what they have on hand. Most of these devices' schematics can be found in the world or devised by other means, but by choosing a particular people during character creation, you obtain these freely.   Belgorost   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level, and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Ice-Climbing Cleats and Claws - Allows the wearer to walk over icy difficult terrain or difficult terrain created by cold without impedement and climb walls at their normal movement speed. Does not allow one to traverse ceilings. Adds 1d4 slashing damage to unarmed attacks.   Crafting Requirements
  • 4 Mundane Metal materials
  • 4 Mundane Cloth materials
  •   5th Level Schematic: Insulator body lotion - A temporary application of this mineral-based insulator lotion shields against the worst effects of cold and wind - Reduces cold damage by half and shields against extreme cold exhaustion effects for 8 hours after application. Creating a tube of the lotion has 6 uses of this application.   Crafting Requirements
  • 1 Mundane Plastic component
  • 1 Mundane Metal material
  • 4 Mundane Mineral materials
  •   Eadwellian   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Crank-operated Hurricane Light - This waterproofed device illuminates in a cone up to 120 feet in dark conditions and cannot be extinguished by wind or other means. It cannot illuminate magical darkness.   Crafting Requirements   5th Level Schematic: Crank-powered Handheld Transceiver - This waterproofed device allows you to communicate with anyone who has one even if they are out of earshot, as long as they are within 5 miles (8 km). Players can cast non-damaging utility spells through the Transceiver. Doing so uses up one charge out of 3. Recharges 1 charge on a short rest, and 3 charges on a long rest.   Crafting Requirements (Pair)   Hanguk-in   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Mechanical Grappling Hook - This device allows for a player to fire a grappling hook to a chosen elevated point up to 60 feet away and pull themselves to it as an action without triggering opportunity attacks. Once used, it cannot be re-used for 1 round until its deployment mechanism rewinds. If deployed, its grapple can also be detached and secured to use as a zipline to cross a chasm of up to 60 feet. Additionally, it can be used with a contested Athletics check to pull a medium creature up to 15 feet towards the player and a small creature up to 30 feet towards the player. If the creature is willing, they can be retrieved from up to 60 feet.   Crafting Requirements   5th Level Schematic: Collapsible Hang-Glider - This portable, spring-loaded hang glider can be used from an elevated position to move great distances through the air, provided the path is uninterrupted. The Hang Glider travels at an average speed of 30mph and a maximum speed of 60 mph. For every 5 foot drop, the hang glider moves 15 feet forward if the user is of medium size. If the user is of small size, it will travel 30 feet for every 5 foot drop. If using magic gusts, the distance is tripled. To move the maximum distance of 270 feet in a single turn while in combat and as a medium creature, one must be at an elevation of 90 feet. While using the hang glider with both hands, the player takes no fall damage and is able to turn. If using one hand and a weapon in the other, the player will not be able to turn. If already falling, the player may deploy the hang glider as a reaction. It takes a full action to stow the hang glider and a bonus action to deploy the hang glider.   Crafting Requirements   Ishumari   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Survival Straw - This water filtration device cleans out contaminants and other potentially dangerous elements from water when used, preventing disease and poison from taking effect while drinking. Grants a circumstantial +3 bonus to all foraging-related Survival checks and cleanses potential poisons and diseases from drinks.   Crafting Requirements
  • 1 Mundane Plastic Component
  • 1 Mundane Rubber Component
  • 1 Mundane Mineral material
  •   5th Level Schematic: Water Reclamation Suit - This suit is typically worn underneath long flowing clothes, and it helps aid against water loss through sweat, breathing and other means by which one may lose water. The water is collected and then passed through a filtration system which cleans it and recycles it. Exhaustion effects accumulate only half as fast as they would otherwise while wearing this suit, and water supplies last three times as long.   Crafting Requirements   Kikongo   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Portable Electronics Kit - This kit allows the player to mend broken electronics, craft electronics components, and recharge electronic devices. Gives a +3 bonus to Intelligence-based ability checks when performing the Repair action and the Craft action.   Crafting Requirements     5th Level Schematic: Portable Spectrophotometer - This device allows players to evaluate the composition of something and identify what materials can be extracted from it. Grants a +5 bonus to Investigation checks when searching for crafting materials. Can also be used to locate invisible objects.   Crafting Requirements     Le Verdoyant   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Gasmask - This device filters out airborne environmental hazards.   5th Level Schematic: Handheld Curie Device - This device allows the player to detect passive environmental hazards like Radiation, Magical Instability, and Toxic Gas.   Paraktian   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Handheld Multi-Sensor - A solar-powered handheld device that is frequently used for geological surveys and detecting seismic activity, excess noise, chemical makeup of scanned objects and other ambient information. +6 to investigation checks and +3 to both perception and survival checks, can aid in finding traps, detecting materials, and prospecting. Has 3 charges, and recharges all used charges after finishing a long rest.   5th Level Schematic: Motorized Gyroscopic Stabilizer - This mechanical device can be built and applied to several pieces of equipment and provide a stabilizing effect. Its effects are listed below.   Effects
  • Weaponry: Steady Aim - +1 to hit with modified firearms.
  • Armor: Cannot be knocked down via Poise damage or knocked prone against your will.
  • Vehicle Turret: Stabilized Aim - Negates disadvantage for long range attacks if equipped to a turret.
  •   Shedari   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level. You are proficient with operating Land Vehicles.   1st Level Schematic: Solar-Operated Personal Cooling Backpack - A dual-purpose backpack that not only increases personal storage capacity by 20lbs but also provides cooling in the desert, preventing the effects of exhaustion from extreme heat.   5th Level Schematic: Solar-Powered Sunchaser Skiff - A land-based sailing skiff that has a solar-operated battery which can operate an electric fan that to give it bursts of speed, also can be used to operate an on-board navigation system and cooling system to help with extreme heat. Has a number of charges equal to the operator's proficiency bonus + their Intelligence modifier. Like other land-based sailing skiffs, it can be reconfigured with wheels instead of skids to go over rougher terrain.   Taala-Rasa   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level. You are proficient in the Performance skill.   1st Level Schematic: Tabla Drum Set - This duo of drums (dayan/tabla) produces a unique sound, musically referred to as a bol, that aids in spiritual recovery and storytelling. While possessing this pair of drums, you are proficient with them and can regain one expended charge of Bardic Inspiration for free, once per long rest. Additionally, you can make a performance check with advantage once per long rest with this pair of drums.   Crafting Requirements
  • 2 Mundane Wood materials
  • 1 Mundane Cloth material
  • 2 Mundane Organic materials
  •   5th Level Schematic: Portable Electric Amplifier - A lightweight, rechargeable sound amplifier that can use a hand-crank to charge it. This amplifier allows a Bard to increase the area of effect of their spells by half or raise the power of a Bardic spell by 1 dice. It has 3 charges and can regain 1 charge on a short rest or 3 charges on a long rest.   Crafting Requirements
  • 1 Mundane Mechanical component
  • 1 Mundane Electronic component
  • 2 Mundane Plastic components
  • 1 Mundane Metal material
  •   Tangata   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   Tangata are trained in Water Vehicles by default.   1st Level Schematic: Tangata Outrigger - A traditional Tangata design, the Convertible Outrigger is a wind-powered sailing vehicle that can also be rowed in the water. Carries up to two people. Collapsible design allows for portability and storage, but is still capable of land travel with wheels. Top speed of 12 knots (22 km/h) while under optimal conditions, average speed of 6 knots (11 km/h) with a rowing speed of 3 knots (6 km/h). 18 feet (5.5m) in length with a collapsible mast that is roughly 25 feet tall when fully extended. Unlimited travel range but dependent on wind conditions.   Crafting Requirements
  • 12 Mundane Wood materials
  • 8 Mundane Cloth materials
  • 4 Mundane Organic Materials
  • 4 Mundane Metal materials
  •   5th Level Schematic: Tangata Wakapaika - A one-to-two person high speed jet-propelled watercraft originating from a Tangata inventor, the Wakapaika is effective at maneuvering in shallow water and can get up to 60 mph, traveling up to 180 miles on a single tank of fuel or roughly 3 hours of travel. They are often deployed from shore or other watercraft. There are typically two styles of Wakapaika, Hikoi and Noho styles, Hikoi is the standing style, and the Noho is the sitting style Wakapaika. They are typically considered the 'motorbikes' of the sea. Because of their relatively small size, they can be transported over land via trailer or over water using the aft deck on a larger watercraft. They do have mounting points for weapons.   Crafting Requirements
  • 12 Common Plastic components
  • 4 Common Mechanical components
  • 2 Common Electronic components
  • 6 Common Metal materials
  •   Turabi   You learn two schematics for free by virtue of shared knowledge from your people. The first one is known at 1st level and the second one is known at 5th level.   1st Level Schematic: Solar-Powered Portable Cooking Station - This handy device gives circumstantial advantage on cooking-based Survival checks. You can produce or make food and drink with this device. Failing a cooking-based Survival check with this station can burn the food or make the drinks too hot and negate their beneficial effects.
  • Boiling water allows you to produce food with this station and cleans it
  • Consuming food produced with this station grants your proficiency bonus in temporary HP, stacking with any other forms of temporary HP.
  • Consuming coffee made with this device grants +5 feet of movement and a +2 bonus to Intelligence-based ability checks for 1 hour.
  • Consuming hot tea from this removes 1 stack of exhaustion from cold effects and gives a +2 to Wisdom-based ability checks.
  •   Crafting Requirements (Station)
  • 2 Mundane Metal materials
  • 1 Mundane Electronics component
  • 1 Mundane Plastic component
  •   5th Level Schematic: Anti-Hemmhoraging Syringe - This refillable device stabilizes wounds and stops bleeding around the injection site and its concoction is primarily herbally-derived with a plant-based foam that seals the wound. For sanitary purposes, the needle must be disposed of. It has some numbing agents which assist with pain relief. Using this device on a willing target that is either wounded or in the Dying state will consume the contents of the device and restore them to fighting condition. Stabilizes the target, then restores 1d6 hit points + Proficiency Bonus if trained in Medicine - uses up a Bonus Action to apply the syringe. The Turabi-specific variant restores 2d6 hit points + Proficiency Bonus   Crafting Requirements (Syringe + Plunger)
  • 1 Common Glass component
  • 1 Common Rubber component
  •   Crafting Requirements (Needle)
  • 2 Mundane Metal materials
  •   Crafting Requirements (Refills)
  • 2 Common Herbal materials

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