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The Kobolds

  Kobolds are small warm-blooded humanoid draconids that are said to be distant relatives of dragons, and like dragons, are cunning and intelligent. Kobolds have largely inhabited the northernmost and southernmost edges of Karrah given the milder and somewhat cooler climates. Unlike the Dragonborn and Dragons at large, Kobolds are like feathered dinosaurs, similar to the extinct velociraptor from millions of years before. Their plumage and skin coloration can come in a wide variety and they often wear various colorful 'shiny' beads or other adornments. They are highly social creatures and live amongst the 'talls' as they call them for safety in numbers. It's not uncommon to see them moving to and from work hurriedly in groups during the morning and evening.   They often sell their labor and services to various peoples, but be warned, if not appropriately compensated for their work, a Kobold will endlessly harass those that swindle them, getting them and their friends to pull pranks and perform other generally unwanted behavior, such as putting potatoes in exhaust pipes. Most of the kobolds hold a strong labor rights and union mentality, so word spreads fast amongst them if you try to pressure them into doing work that is not appropriately paid for. They will group up to fight any perceived wage theft and mistreatment. Those that break from this mentality and work for less than agreed on are often outcasts in their society, pariahs called 'scabben' that have betrayed the group.  


  Kobolds, being distantly related to dragons do actually have some subspecies variation, with adaptations being unique to each one.   Divoké-Drápy (Dee-vo-kay Drah-pii) - Literally 'Fierce Claws', this subspecies of Kobold is often found associating with the Belgorost humans, often used as hired help for security forces. They have exceptionally sharp claws used in close combat.   Kleinerdrachen - The 'Tiny Dragons' of the Kobolds, these are the closest in terms of appearance to a dragon and are most frequently found amongst the dwarves, toiling away. They are capable of gliding using their feathered arms, and are able to climb unhindered, a useful adaptation when working the Extractor Rigs.   Maly-Praczovnik (Ma-lee Prac-zov-nik) - The 'Tiny Worker' of the Kobolds, this particular subspecies works alongside the Dragonborn and Vettir. After millennia of accidents and mishaps, they've become quite hardy, even for a Kobold.  


  Kobolds are, like other draconids, warm-blooded, but they are feathered and are much better adapted to cold environments than the Alangbapo or. They can still thrive in more tropical or arid climates where avians might be populous. Their vocal chords evolved over time to allow for them to produce sounds unique to their species, allowing them to emit a painful shriek that can make most quake in their boots. Some that know of this particular sound are aware that it means they are being hunted by a pack.   Early in their species' developmental period, they were affected by dwarfism, but over the course of time evolved complex social structures which aided in their survival. Using pack tactics, they surrounded enemies and ripped them to pieces like a small group of raptors. Overwhelming numbers and cooperative tactics were their greatest strength.  


  Being such a widespread group, Kobolds often adopt cultural facets of the 'Talls' and will usually dress similarly or according to their societal surroundings. A lot of the time you'll find them wearing loose-fitting cloth or knitted cap-caps as they're called by the Kobolds, (literally just a knitted cap) and clothes that were originally tailored for dwarves or halflings. They still retain a strong identity of 'the working class' even though they really enjoy 'the shinies' that are on offer at various trade hubs, so some may be found with ill-fitting jewelry or wearable tech and the like that looks out of place on such small frames as a social status symbol.   Culinarily, the Kobolds tend to prefer seasoned meats paired with breads, cheeses and vegetables, not unlike a kebab, kofta or gyro but most of the time it is stuffed in bread. They also invented the bierock, a sort of cabbage-and-meat-based beer pastry. This portability of food wrapped in breads makes it easy to stow and take to work with them. They are big fans of portable foodstuffs and love tube-based spreadable foods or pre-packaged goods.   Linguistically, since the races they ally with the most frequently are Dwarves, Dragonborn, and Humans, they've adopted regional dialects and frequently make pidgins of the languages they've adopted. Their old language is borrowed from the Volkner clan of dwarves and so the few remaining speakers of their original language have a somewhat stout accent that is almost immediately picked up on where the W's are enunciated as V's and vice-versa, along with replacing every A with an 'E' sound, so they'd say ket instead of cat.  


  Kobold architecture is usually ad-hoc and built up near Human, Dragonborn, or Dwarven settlements. They enjoy camping, though, and the portability of it all makes it really convenient for them when they need to pack up and move worksites. They developed collapsible, self-sustained housing units where they incorporate solar panels, miniaturized wind turbines, and convenient electrically-operated appliances that can be stowed aboard transport vehicles. They transport individual modules that can be connected to sockets once fully unfolded. Their bedding is often where they put the most effort into personalizing their abodes, filling them with manufactured plushes or adding posters from before the Cataclysm.  


  Kobold technology is often repurposed from Dwarven tech, as the two species share similar overall sizes and form factors, leading to a cooperative nature between the two groups. They often fashion new and horrifying means of utilizing construction equipment as weaponry, since Ferals, Raiders, Bandits, and Sky Pirates all try to attack the derricks and factories that they work in. They've even developed some advanced tech post-cataclysm that would have otherwise never come to fruition if they and the Dwarves didn't cooperate. A lot of their designs and blueprints were cooperatively developed for the Morgrim Energy Concern company, or MEC.  

Unique Vehicles

  T-063-K Transport Rig   A Kobold-designed and assembled Diesel-powered Landship, the T-063-K Transport Rig is often trailing after the Dwarven Derricks as they pack up and move from jobsite to jobsite. This vehicle is outfitted with two point defense guns that are programmed to automatically intercept guided munitions and aircraft, four manned turrets, it is also equipped with reactive armor and several nasty anti-theft devices. It has four independently operated electric drivetrains, powered by an industrial-grade diesel generator. For its amenities and utilities, it has living quarters that can accommodate up to 10 Kobold-sized occupants, a fully equipped galley, a robotics and weapons workshop, and a microcopter landing pad. It can carry insane amounts of cargo strapped to its top deck. While everything is built to Dwarven and Kobold scales, it also has a guest section for Human-scaled passengers, carrying up to 4 comfortably, but most will find that traversing this landship is quite difficult if you're much larger than 5 feet tall.   H-MC-2A   A Kobold-designed microcopter that is meant to go along with the T-063-K, it can carry up to two Small humanoid occupants. It is designed to be a scouting vehicle so it doesn't have any armaments of its own and has a limited operational range of 240 miles for a round trip.  

Unique Weaponry

  Hydra-Wrench   A one-handed hydraulic wrench that has enhanced crushing power if used against armored opponents. Ignores armor and deals bludgeoning damage.   Hackensaw   A rotary-blade 2-handed motorized weapon that rips apart just about anything. When a successful swing connects, use a bonus action to deal additional damage that reduces the opponent's armor grade.   Plasma Ripper   A short range, one-handed, repurposed construction weapon that emits a highly energized plasma burst in a line attack. It uses Aetherion charges to operate its beam emitter.   Rivet Driver   A piercing short-range weapon with very high pressure behind its attacks. Normally used in melee as a weapon, but can be modified to launch rebar that ignores armor and pierces multiple targets over a relatively short distance.   Survey Drone   A handheld spherical, rolling robot with an advanced scanning suite that is capable of rolling up vertical surfaces with electrostatic adhesion and also emitting small electric shocks, these drones are occasionally creatively used to debilitate or neutralize aggressive wildlife and even intelligent threats. They are thrown, similarly to a grenade, but are generally only attracted to a laser targeting point or a Survey Spike. Usually they are sent out to survey and gather 3D maps of a cavern once they have a deployment point. If the operator is using these, they will tend to have one or both of the available targeting methods.   Survey Spike Launcher   A piercing longer-range high utility piece of equipment that doubles as weaponry. It launches a harpoon-like, javelin-sized survey spike that can emit a homing signal that attracts ferromagnetic materials and Survey Drones. The Survey Drones are spherical robots deployed by hand that roll towards the Survey Spike and activate LIDAR scanning systems and a spectrophotographic suite to identify rare deposits of materials. Survey Drones can also emit a small electric shock to ward off creatures that try to eat them, stunning them in the process.   Zarizeni Mag-Shot   A lightweight, compact coilgun with somewhat limited range, this 1-handed weapon can deliver magnetically-launched darts that pierce cover and can deliver small electric jolts when activated. Primarily used as a means to defeat large, aggressive wildlife. When combined with a Survey Spike, the Mag-Shot can be incredibly dangerous. Usually Kobold expeditionary teams use these devices, combined with Survey Drones, to ensure pack safety.  

Racial Features

  Age   Kobolds on Dunia have a similar lifespan to Dragonborn, living to be as old as 150 years, but often due to mishaps or other unfortunate events, their life expectancy is much, much shorter.   Height   Kobolds on Dunia are slightly larger than those on Faerun, ranging from 2' to 4' tall.   Ability Score Increase   When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. You can't raise any of your scores above 20.   Creature Type   You are a Humanoid.   Size   You are Small.   Speed   Your walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision   You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.   Draconid Screech   As a bonus action, you let out a deafening shriek at your enemies within 10 feet of you. Until the start of your next turn any of those enemies who could hear you are frightened and deafened. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   Kobold Legacy   Kobolds’ connection to dragons can manifest in unpredictable ways in an individual kobold. Choose one of the following legacy options for your kobold:   Craftiness   You know one free Common weapon schematic and one free Common consumable schematic.   Fearless Defiance   You have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself.   Draconic Sorcery   You know one cantrip of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for that cantrip (choose when you select this race).   Languages   Your character can speak, read, and write Common and your choice of one of the following two languages: Dwarven, or Rostovian.  

Subspecies Features

  Divoké-Drápy Fierce Claws   As this subspecies of Kobold, if you have a free hand or are making an unarmed attack, add 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity bonus in unmitigated slashing to any melee attack that successfully hits your opponent. The damage increases to a 2d4 at 5th level, and a 3d4 at 10th. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per short or long rest.   Kleinerdrachen Protoflight and Agility   As this subspecies of Kobold, you can wallclimb at full speed, but cannot climb on ceilings. Additionally, you can use your feathered arms and tail to glide to safety. For each 5 foot drop since you are small, you move forward 30 feet while gliding. You cannot take fall damage.   Additionally, as a bonus action, you can increase your movement speed while on the ground by 10 feet starting at 1st level. This increases to 15 feet at 5th level, and 20 feet at 10th level. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.   Maly-Praczovnik (Ma-lee Prac-zov-nik)   As this subspecies of Kobold, you can shrug off attacks, somewhat similar to how the Golyatsin can. As a reaction at 1st level if you are going to take damage, you can roll a 1d4 plus your Constitution Modifier to reduce the damage by the rolled amount. This increases to a 2d4 at 5th level, and a 3d4 at 10th. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.


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