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Amdak Serai

In the midst of the great plains of the eastern savannah stands a large complex, a block of rock cutting across the golden horizon. The Serai of Amdak is a place of respite and protection from the perils of the Draisy Desert. In this communal space, all travelers are welcome to rest and replenish their bodies and souls, as long as they respect the principles of non-agression and peace that guide the life of those who call Amdak home.

Purpose / Function

During the days of Ethana, the caravanserai of Amdak was a place of respite for travelers, especially for the bands of roaming mercenaries that were often patrolling the region in search of easy money.   After the fall of the Ethanian government, and the formation of nomadic tribes, the serai was repurposed as a small gated community. Some families settled the communal complex, making it into an improbable oasis in the middle of the desert. Today, the Serai of Amdak serves as an in-and-out pitstop for the different tribes seeking refuge from this particularly dangerous part of the desert. With time, those living inside the Serai have developped intricate knowledge on how to keep at bay the different creatures and threats that wander nearby and protect their desert fortress from them, which makes them a refuge for tribes being hunted or pursued and the last chance of many travelers.


Over the years of settlement in the Serai, defences were reinforced and optimised, and the interior of the complex refurnished in order to make it a space more suiting of its new purpose: dormitories, an infirmary, an armory, a communal kitchen, and a small marketplace were laid out in order to make the Amdak Serai into a known and loved respite along the journey.
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