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Blightflesh is degenerative infection that spreads throughout humanoid bodies, decomposing flesh and tissue in its wake. It is most common in Zilvra, a mystery to physicians and scholars. Though it is a terrifying condition, the progression of Blightflesh throughout the body can be slow and relatively painless, making the fear surrounding this affection often more troublesome than its actual effects. Though cases of this disease have been recorded for around three centuries, its visbility, due to the increase of cases, has only emerged in the last 50 years. This increased visibility has also contributed to a spike in research of the disease. To this day, causes and treatments of Blightflesh are unknown, hence its reputation as a death sentence: however, individuals affected by Blightflesh may live somewhat long and satisfying lives under the right conditions (daily treatments, slow proliferation of the infection, healthy lifestyle). Some elves have even been known to reach their 4th century despite a Blightflesh diagnosis.

Transmission & Vectors

There are no records of Blightflesh being verifiably transmitted from one person to another. The few reports of Blightflesh cases within a household do not seem to indicate direct transmission, and families can harbor an infected member for decades without ever contracting it.


A Blightflesh infection may begin anywhere on the afflicted's body. Its first apparition can merely resemble a mole with a crinkled paper-like texture. However this mark will most likely grow over time and may cause slight pain in the area. By the time the infected zone reaches the size of a coin, they will start losing sensations in the area as nerves are being affected by the blight. Blightflesh eats at the body, essentially turning it slowly to decay. Once the infection has taken hold, it is difficult to assertain the speed at which it will grow. But every step of the way, the afflicted's healthy body will slowly decompose. Affected zones will take a dark blackish color and crinkle up like mummified skin over bones. Luckily enough, Blightflesh-decayed tissue does not bear any smell of decomposition, only its appearance. If Blightflesh reaches vital organs, complications may ensue and lower quality of life, but there are almost no other symptoms.


Ointments, spells and amputation can help slow down the progress of Blightflesh, but no definitive cure has been found. Even with total amputaion of the infected zone, the disease will eventually come back at a different spot, although it might take more time than it would have to reach vital body parts.


Due to its lack of definitive cure, it is more than likely that an individual with Blightflesh will succumb to the disease, though this progression may be slower than anticipated. Physicians usually agree on 5 different stages of Blightflesh, the fifth being the terminal stage of the illness. However, depending on the zone of the first outbreak, the infection may be lethal at any stage if it reaches any vital organs. The first stage is the outbreak stage: the patient may notice a small mole or decoloration spot on any part of their body. The second stage is characterized by the spreading of the infection to approximately the size of a coin, the size at which nerves and other non-epidermal tissue will first be affected. The third stage is the infection of a secondary body part, usually bordering the area of the initial outbreak. The fourth stage is the decomposition of an entire limb, where the infection is most likely to erupt. At this stage, amputation is generally recommend in order to replace the limb or simply attempt to slow down the spreading of Blightflesh. The fifth and terminal stage is the infection of internal organs (liver, heart, lungs, brain, etc) or the spine. In both cases, the loss of these parts significantly impact quality of life and will inevitably lead to death.

A Sign of Decay

When consulting Jadian healers, reknowned for their medicinal capabilities, the healers declared the incurable disease to be a sign of collective decay. Their prognostic was that this disease was a sign of cultural decay, affecting random individuals as a manifestation of collective wrongdoing. These interactions strained relationships between Zilvran scholars and Jadian communities, the formers not appreciating the latters' lecturing them on abstract social metaphors instead of helping them cure their relatives.  
Chronic, Acquired
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