Planar Perversion Physical / Metaphysical Law in Duvrin | World Anvil
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Planar Perversion

"As you can observe here, the vegetation around this rift is not only sentient, but has developped a resistance to magical effects, thus making it impossible for us to remove it without sustaining substential casualties. Furthermore, if any of you were to enter the chamber, it is likely that, by the time you came out, you would have gained a decade in merely a few minutes. And this is, of course, in a controlled environment where we have, at least, managed to keep the natural disasters that usually accompany these areas at bay."  
  • Professor Ando, giving a lecture to Willow Sanctum students in front of the Nachaek Gate

  • There are few planar gates in Duvrin. Having been studied for a few centuries now, they have always been a subject of fascination for scholars and mages. Given one knows how to use them, they allow communication and travel across planes of existence. However, such a powerful tool also means powerful effects. The area surrounding these gates are usually affected by arcane and elemental distortions, which lead to disasters and strange happenings of various nature. This phenomena has been named "Planar Perversion" by scholars, who speculate that these locations are areas of planar instability, where everywhere belongs to this world and all other at the same time.   Over the decades, scientists have developped measures and tools to monitor, and eventually contain, these zones, but their existence still remains an arcane curiosity.


    In areas affected by Planar Perversion, nothing acts as it should. It is common to witness temporal and gravitational anomalies, large-scale natural disasters, arcane mishaps, and manifestations of extraplanar entities.


    Unless contained, such a phenomena usually takes place within a radius of a few miles around a planar gate.
    One of the most studied planar gates can be found in Nachaek, in the middle of the Willow Sanctum's campus building, where numerous Tamynian arcanists observe and document its movements and effects.

    Planar Rush

      After the Gods' Banishment, many scholars and leaders became worried that their plane of existence would be exposed to extraplanar attacks and invasions. As such, they promised rewards to anyone who could find and report a planar gate to the authorities. These policies lead to an event retroactively named the "Planar Rush", during which mercenaries and adventurers explored uncharted territory in search of these rifts in order to claim their rewards. Amusingly enough, it is this push for discovery of planar gates that allowed the observation of the phenomenons related to planar perversion, adventurers advising each other to find an area where strange arcane things happened in order to find a planar gate. This also marked the beginning of the arcane fascination for extra-planar studies, including the observation of planar gates.


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