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The population of Aben is mostly Human however meany Elf's, Gnomes, and Halflings live there as well.


A council made up of 19 seats (7 for each district of the city and 7 for the nearby towns) and one head seat for a main elected official once every 7 years.


Aben sits atop a small hill giving it some natural defenses, however a number were constructed pre The War Of States. Because of that time period Aben has a number of guard towers and walls that still have some mounted ballista and arcane cannons.   During the recent war a new sheilding arcanotech was created to protect the capital.

Industry & Trade

Aben is the arcane capital of the world, and due to that fact it has established it'self as a major trade hub.


Aben has built a number of prestigious libraries, academy's, and theaters with the hope of forwarding civilization.


The city is split into 7 districts. Chore, Wit, Gan, Amber, Begn, Exem ,and Conet.
  • Chore: The district that houses a majority of Aben's governmental buildings and the Lords and Ladies of the counsel.
  • Wit: The section of the city that houses the Ioun Archive, Beloc School of Magic, Corellion School of The Arts, and the College Ioun.
  • Gan: Aben's main commercial district known for the variety of shops and rare goods that can be found there. It is also known housing the main SsHG building.
  • Amber: One of the three main residential districts.
  • Begn: One of the three main residential districts.
  • Exem: One of the three main residential districts.
  • Conet: Conet is known as Aben's backside because of its reputation as the poorest district.


If one is looking to purchase something that would improve the quality of their life Aben is the place to look.

Guilds and Factions

  • Meany gods are worshiped in Aben however the patron god of Aben is Erathis, goddess of civilization and invention.
  • Aben is home to The Sword Sheith Guild, an adventurer's guild spaning the kingdom and some outside towns.
  • The college's hold much sway over the kingdom and the people therein.


Aben was originally the capital of the empire pre fall. Aben was the most war hungry nation during the period of war that tore across the land, desperate to retake their kingdom they suffered heavy losses with little signs of slowing down. However over the years of fighting the citizens suffered through heavy taxes, poor conditions, and broken communities as more and more people were sent to die in the endless crusade. However in the year 16AC a coup was executed and with new leadership Aben was quick to change sides and was one of the major parties working towards peace. That focus on peace still stands to this day, with the state focusing on art and knowledge.


Meany people travel to Aben for a variety of reasons whether that be for work, family, schooling, or pleasure.


The houses and buildings are mainly made of stone and wood. As blue and white are the main colors of Aben most buildings show this color scheme.


The main city of Aben is located on a small hill surrounded by plains of grass.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Land Of A Thousand Pages
3.5 million
Inhabitant Demonym
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