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Aselia Stellamon

Aselia Stellamon

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slightly frail, but is a lot sturdier than she looks. Slightly taller than the average sylph, average build except for muscles that are only starting to form on her arms.

Body Features

Under her sleeves are old scars. Larceny found these initially as deep wounds, and as time went on, transformed into scars. Her hands are free from scars, and look delicate at first glance. However, they are rough from work.

Facial Features

Average face. A lot of the time, her face ranges from looking composed and calm to having a lost and scared look in her eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Her ears resemble angel wings. Pure white, fluffy to the touch.

Special abilities

Her magical power both comes from her music. So far, she's been using her music to cast her spells.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a brown cloak that have sleeves, and has a hood to cover her face and head. Wears a light pink sleeveless turtleneck dress, with a heart-shaped boob window. Her shoulder-less sleeves are the same color as her shirt. The skirt is made of chiffon, and goes to her knees. Below her knees are dark brown leather military boots, and she's wearing white tights. (Also wearing shorts under her dress LOL).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once upon a time, Aselia had no memories of her former self. She was found in a ditch in Aben, brutally bruised, bloody, and lost in a world that was not kind to the weak. Even her birth name was lost in the endless waves of amnesia. With the help of Larceny, Aselia got back on her feet and began to go by a different name in hopes of finding answers to her former self. Traveled and lived with Larceny for a period of time, before meeting the rest of the crew and forming the Dawn and Dusk Brigade.
While with the brigade, Aselia began to regain a bit of her true self. She found her hometown and reunited with her parents, her adoptive fathers. She also discovered that she was formerly known as Morgana Stellamon. The name Aselia Desiree came from her journal and was supposed to be used as her stage name as a bard (similar to the Ruby of the Oasis). Several years ago, Morgana went on a journey to find her birth family and get answers as to why she was abandoned. She wrote letters to her fathers frequently, then suddenly stopped writing five years prior to meeting the Dawn and Dusk Brigade.
Later, she found her blood family, the Lionette family. Her mother, Thiri Lionette, had sex with an air genie and gave birth to two daughters: Morgana and Bella Lionette. Thiri abandoned Morgana but used one of her genie wishes to make sure she would go to a nice home. Bella Lionette helped with the family business, selling her family's wine. Upon this discovery, Thiri had attacked the Dawn and Dusk with the reasoning that her secret cannot be out in the public. This encounter, and the foolish mistake of sparing Thiri instead of killing her, caused the Dawn and Dusk Brigade and Belle to be labeled criminals.
Time passed, and the group eventually was free of their criminal charges. Thiri was executed for her crimes, leaving Belle and Aselia without a mother. A time skip later, Aselia regained some of her lost memories by drinking water from a magical spring. Memories of being captured on a ship, being close with a person named Nathaniel, a revolution, and other unpleasant memories began to resurface in her head. While they have not been completely restored, Aselia’s determined to fill in the rest of the pieces.




Was taught at home by her father, Gaku.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Charmed many with her soft songs and voice.

Failures & Embarrassments

She considers it a failure that she let herself lose her memory.

Mental Trauma

There's a lot due to her being an adventurer and also due to past history. Too much to explain.

Personality Characteristics


After discovering the pieces of her lost memory, she is determined to find her lost friend, Nathaniel.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: sweet food, music, being in a group of people, being away from the spotlight, and the wind Dislikes: Not acting without reason, earthquakes


Contacts & Relations

Works with the Dawn and Dusk Brigade, her best friends in the world; consists of Larceny, Ai'lah, Magnolia, Klein, Noe, and Mariano. Has been dating Magnolia for over 3 months.

Family Ties

Gaku and Raven Stellamon are her adoptive fathers that raised her ever since she was a baby. On her journey, she discovered an older sister, another sylph named Bella Lionette.


Very polite, bows a lot and grasps her upper arm a lot when she's nervous or scared.

Hobbies & Pets

A cat named Vandalism.

A bard that lost her objective alongside her memory. She hopes that while on the road, she can reclaim her true self and complete her previous goal.

Character Location
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Conquerors of Madness, Golemsbane, Slayers of the Eternal General
Novella, Aben
Current Residence
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Auran, Common, Elvish

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