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A folded-up note within the journal

Our actions have consequences.   We've felt this in various ways, but it's a force pressing down on us with more and more power. The good we try to do isn't outweighing the bad that's happening here. It doesn't erase the ill will toward us. It doesn't erase that sometimes, our actions have *unintended* consequences as well.   For all that I've questioned myself these last few weeks as the nights have grown darker and darker, one truth has remained above all others: In what we do, we cannot allow Balocrypha Oleander to gain more power. For the sake of ending this war and bettering the world, he must be stopped, and he must be deprived of the tools he'd use to otherwise poison us all.   Saving Volatia's life at the cost of her immortality has lead us to an unintended consequence the likes of which we could not have fathomed-- that her death could return her to a temple of the Life Titan back in the Capital of Crypha and deliver her back to him. Having my father investigate her runes has lead to a similar unintended consequence-- one where he's glimpsed an evil he deems too dangerous to let stand. He ordered an assassination down on her using the tools of the Reaper, to deprive her of her second life.   I'm trying to convince him her death does not need to be a foregone conclusion. I've bargained with him to give us days, instead, to reach the border so we can discuss this further. I'm insisting her death could have unintended consequences that they, too, can't yet fathom. I'm trying to keep all of us safe. In doing so, I need to guide her into the jaws of the beast that wants desperately to snap her neck. And eventually... I'm going to need to be honest about what I'm leading her into. I can't bring myself to do that before we leave Crypha, though.   They'd all never agree to come otherwise.

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