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A Letter to Lyall Dawn

Justicar Father    Lyall Dawn, I'm certain that you have already been apprised by their Majesties -- or your own intelligence network -- as to the situation here in Crypha, so I will not complicate this letter by going into details. Suffice it to say that I intend to remain here for the foreseeable future to see through the task that the Morninglight Company has taken up arms for.   I don't know what to think have never been away from order, from discipline, for so long before. Home was always strict, both before and after Mother left. You know the Heralds' training. And then the Black Guard. There was discipline there, too. It was something I could hold onto, that I could trust. I've always known my place in the world, or thought I did, and that kept my mind clear. Focused. Clarity is the strongest weapon in the world. When you have no doubts, there's nothing you can't accomplish.   I've been away from that since the hijacking. Surrounded by people who don't hold to any sort of order or discipline for the most part, who are soft but not as soft as I expected, and not soft at all in ways I would have thought they would be. Surrounded by people who think everything I believe is wrong.   And I don't have that clarity anymore. Is everything I believe   I spoke with an archivist about the Red Dawn who told me of a book penned by your divine sibling Mars, and I spoke to a worshipper of your other, Hela. Are their words reliable? I need to know what's true. What I can rely on. What I can hold on to.   This land is closer to a true hell than anything Dalvath has ever done, and I need something to keep me focused. If I don't have that clarity, I won't be the sword that the people here need. That my friends Company needs. A weapon that questions their purpose will never strike home truly, and that's what they need right now.   Help m I know you've been trying to talk to me for all these years. I haven't been listening. I'm trying to listen now. What should I believe?   Regards, Love, Sincerely, With Hope,   Vrinn

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