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Agriculture and Production

Megopolis previously relied upon synthetic sources of food, generated indefinitely by powerful magic and machine alike. The fallen corporation PharmVest used to have a tight grip on such production, fuelled by the powers of the Primal Magic focus of the world, a pseudo-immortal primordial named Augustine. After her death, Hyacinth Curunir now takes that role and has ensured not just safe food for the people but a resurgence of actual nature and plant life in the fourth Layer. Fresh water itself comes from rain and 3 giant aquefier facilities that harbor artifacts of endless water creation.
  Artifacts of endless creation are distributed throughout Megopolis and hoarded by the elite; the means of these objects' creation has been lost to time. These artifacts are called Fabricators. A Stone Fabricator produces stone at a steady rate for use in construction and melding into concrete; an Iron Fabricator makes iron at a steady pace, etc. The only thing they cannot create is living matter.
  It is said that a Universal Fabricator exists somewhere deep below, waiting to be found - it has the power to create other Fabricators, potentially breaking the entire economy and monopolistic structure of the civilization. Corporation and independent alike desire to find it.

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