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Entry 2: The Bounty Hunter

Something or someone was spying on the Crown Princess and Severine while they were in their room, it caused a bit of a ruckus to say the least. I was attempting to glean a few hours of rest on the porch with Evan Able when I was startled awake by her highness' shouts at our host. I waited for Evan to make an entrance before I decided to go in, it was lucky that I did. The revolutionaries Phaedra and Crow, along with Sibyl's construct, announced they were going to investigate. I took my opportunity to join, thinking that perhaps I could ingratiate myself somehow and join their fight. I went with Phaedra one way while Crow and the construct went the other.     Phaedra and I met with peculiar happenings. We weren't far along the trail when I noticed that the trees were closing over the path behind us, forcing us forward. Phaedra, on the other hand, noticed a shadowy giant of some sort in front of us. Phaedra was adamant that the night wouldn't have us, I didn't have the heart, nor the courage, to tell her that it was too late for me. I belong here.     The giant turned out to be a forest spirit of massive proportions, I nearly broke my neck craning to look up at it. It dropped a satchel in front of it and didn't move... so I took the opportunity to investigate. The creature didn't seem aggressive, so I opened the bag and took out what was inside. The head of a vampire, fangs on full display, is what I held in my hand. Glancing up at the bloody claws of the creature in front of me, I was nervous to put it mildly. In truth, I was near terrified that it would do the same to me. But the way it held it's paw out... I gave it a bit of silver. Lucky my gloves protected me from the singe, I hate to think what would have happened if the cryptid had seen that. I asked Phaedra if I could join the revolution but she said I would have to follow orders whether I thought they were right or not. I don't think I can do that, if I could... I'd still be with Father.

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