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Saint of Crypha

  "Saint Lydia, The Mother of Crypha and the patron saint of Dhampir, was a consort of a vampire who ruled on the council before the God-Emperor Balocrypha reclaimed his throne," The witch leaned back in her seat, causing the old tired chair to creak. "She became pregnant with his child and realized if she remained, her child would one day become the same kind of monster the father was. A creature that helped the council cause the suffering of her people. So she fled, in the earliest hours in the morning, that small window where the sun almost breaches the spell that keeps the people of Crypha in the dark," Sybil shifted forward in her chair as if she could not keep her body still. "But she did not just think of her safety. After her child was born, she returned, freeing the rest of the slaves her master kept and slaying her former lover with a stake to his chest while he slept with his new bride."     Sybil reached forward, hand touching the necklace Illara now wore, and when she pulled away, there was a wooden stake in her hand. She held it for a moment before releasing it; it vanished into nothing long before it made contact with the floor.     "She died freeing the rest of them, and yet, even now with only one life left, she continues to wander the country slaying our masters and saving their spawn from the dark path that the nature of their birth puts them on," Sybil caught Illara's gaze, holding it. "Are you prepared to uphold that legacy of selflessness? You cannot take what she gives and give nothing back to the people she loves so dearly, that she would give up everything for."  
- Sibyl discussing Lydia with Illara Zar'arth


The youngest of The Four Saints of Crypha, Lydia is known as the patron of mothers and Dhampir.  


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