Eldrion Windrider Character in Dyra | World Anvil

Eldrion Windrider

Eldrion Windrider

Eldrion is an ancient Sunarim with a weathered yet dignified appearance. His long silver hair cascades down to his waist, and his beard is neatly braided. His pale blue eyes hold a timeless wisdom, and his slender frame is adorned with flowing robes of deep forest green. He carries a gnarled wooden staff, intricately carved with runes and symbols.   Eldrion possesses a serene demeanor and speaks in a gentle, melodic voice. He is incredibly patient, understanding, and possesses a profound depth of knowledge. Eldrion has a penchant for storytelling and often imparts wisdom through parables and allegories. He possesses a keen sense of observation, noticing even the subtlest details. Despite his isolated lifestyle, Eldrion maintains a deep empathy for the struggles and triumphs of the outside world.   Surrounding Eldrion's cabin is a small herb garden, which he tends with great care. Eldrion is known for his herbal remedies and can provide healing potions and salves to those who seek his aid.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eldrion spent centuries in the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. As a former scholar and explorer, Eldrion traversed the farthest corners of the world, seeking ancient texts and forgotten lore. He became disillusioned with the political and materialistic nature of the settled lands, ultimately abandoning his studies and choosing a life of isolation. He secluded himself from the bustling world in a cabin hidden amidst ancient trees.
Year of Birth
1378 AW 820 Years old


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