Session II: The Silverpeak Mines Report in Dyra | World Anvil

Session II: The Silverpeak Mines

General Summary

The party found themselves invited to Mayor Grimes' lavish residence for dinner, where they embarked on a night of intrigue and discovery. As the mayor left briefly, the party began exploring the house, each member following their own curiosity.   Immeral stumbled upon the library, but his disinterest in reading left him underwhelmed. Meanwhile, Nieve and Flynn ventured to the garden and witnessed Mayor Grimes sneaking off with a servant girl to the staff's house. Warri'an's ascent to the mezzanine was uneventful as he immediately found two locked doors, frustrating his exploration.   After dinner, the party returned to The Silverpick Inn to enjoy the performance of Pireel, the Blue Moon Performers' bard. Pireel suggested delaying the troupe's performance until the following night, which Flynn agreed to. They spent the evening indulging in drinks before retiring to their rooms.   The next morning, Nieve was missing, likely suffering from the effects of a hangover. The rest of the group joined Grimbolt for a tour of the mines. Mayor Grimes greeted them but abruptly departed just before they descended towards the miners' latest discovery.   Guided by miners William and Larry, the party reached a chamber deep within the mountain, featuring a mysterious metal beam that spanned from floor to ceiling. Despite warnings not to touch anything, Violet's curiosity overcame her, and she approached the beam. Flynn tried to stop her, but she broke free, and Warri'an's entangling vines trapped everyone except Violet.   When Violet touched the beam, she fell into a catatonic state, bearing a purple spiral mark which appeared on her hand. After a minute, she regained consciousness, leaving the party with a sense of urgency to escape. The tunnel began to collapse, and an unexpected passage revealed itself amidst the chaos.   The newly discovered passage was adorned with unfamiliar inscriptions covering every inch of its walls. As they ascended, they encountered a painting depicting Epera with two armies converging toward The Scar. Noticing chipped paint and purple swirls within The Scar, the party realized the connection to Violet's pain. Flynn took a journal from a skeleton near the painting–the remains of an unfortunate adventurer who had found the tunnel before them.   Finally, they emerged from the mountainside, encountering Mayor Grimes, who was heading toward the mine entrance with guards. Though suspicious, he claimed to be checking on the miners' safety. The party insisted on accompanying him and discovered a surprisingly undamaged entrance despite the collapsed tunnel below.   Upon reaching the tunnel's collapse point, Mayor Grimes revealed his true intentions, causing a battle to ensue. The party, though they fought valiantly, was on the verge of defeat until the timely arrival of Elysia, who dealt the finishing blow. Despite their injuries, the party looted Grimes' body and carried an unconscious Warri'an back to the mine entrance.   As they exited the mines, they were met with a catastrophic sight—the peak of Silverpeak erupted, unleashing a powerful shockwave of chaotic energy. The land below became enveloped in turmoil, with crowds erupting, birds attacking at random, and animals behaving strangely.   The party descended the hill toward town, pausing as they arrived at Mayor Grimes' house. Uncertain of what awaited them, they braced themselves for whatever lay ahead, ready to face the chaos that had befallen Silverpeak.

Rewards Granted

  • Grimes' Rapier
  • Key to Grimes' residence

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Epera: The Spires of Chaos
Flynn Earthdew
Warri'an Kalzas
Immeral Quinn
Report Date
02 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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