Session V: Veiled Secrets

General Summary

In a bustling city, our intrepid adventurers found themselves in the Temple of Luminastra, gathered around their fallen comrade, Nieve. Her life hung in the balance, her memories lost to some mysterious force. Desperation grew as their attempts to revive her failed, until Violet noticed a faint purple glow emanating from Nieve's body. Violet, grasping at a newfound sense of power and connection to this purple glow, breathed life back into Nieve, her eyes glowing with an eerie purple light.   Though Nieve's life was saved, her memory remained veiled in darkness, obscuring the events of the past decade. Whispers among the temple-goers forced the party to make a hasty exit. Splitting into two groups, Flynn and Violet headed to Flynn's family estate, while Nieve and Immeral made their way towards their wagon at the city's edge. Yet, danger was never far behind, as unknown assailants ambushed both groups.   The attackers met swift defeat, but Violet fell unconscious during the skirmish. With Flynn's determination, they retreated to his family's manor. Recognizing the urgency of their situation, Lady Althalia, a noble from Glimmerdale, sought their aid. She promised them information about the chaos they pursued, unveiling a tantalizing title: The Tome of Unraveling Secrets. Her only ask was that they extract the book from The Radiant Archive so she could examine it as well.   When the party entered the library. Flynn sensed they were being watched, and a charismatic tiefling named Jezebeth engaged him in a flirtatious conversation. Flynn, swayed by Jezebeth's charm, found a secluded corner of the library to explore his desires.   Meanwhile, Nieve's search yielded the coveted Tome of Unraveling Secrets. Violet attempted to contact Flynn with a Message spell and accidentally discovered that he was mid-coitus with Jezebeth. An embarrassed Violet sought respite outside the library, accompanied by Nieve.   Lady Althalia intercepted them, inquiring about their progress. Nieve concealed their findings. Once they were alone, Violet began to flip through the book's, and extracted several pages describing a Ritual of Veiled Memories, hoping it could restore Nieve's missing recollections. As they awaited Flynn, the party stumbled upon a hidden section of the library filled with explicit tales, providing an unexpected diversion.   Upon Flynn's return, they decided to confront Lady Althalia and present their findings. She reluctantly agreed to let them peruse the tome before giving it to her, and the party returned to The Sunrise Inn. There, Jezebeth confronted them, refusing to leave Flynn alone. Desperate to escape, Violet and Flynn resorted to leaping from their balcony into an alley. Violet's curiosity got the better of her, though -- she looked back into the inn and was spotted by the tiefling.   The confrontation escalated as Jezebeth and Violet clashed in a fiery duel. When it became clear Violet was outmatched, she tried to run away but was knocked unconscious by a well-aimed rock throw. Immeral rushed out of the inn when he heard the commotion. Jezebeth fled, warning Immeral that they would regret getting between her and Flynn. In the aftermath, the party regrouped and once again brought an unconscious Violet to the Earthdew residence, their journey for knowledge in the city of Glimmerdale overshadowed by newfound dangers and uncertain alliances.
Epera: The Spires of Chaos
Flynn Earthdew
Warri'an Kalzas
Immeral Quinn
Report Date
26 Aug 2023


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