Love under the sign of fire
"Women have the power here! Give yourself to men only to produce offspring - but refrain from loving them. They will repay your love with power over you."Tika Ungo - Healer of the Safambi Order 4,353 BEC -
All about love
Zimuniya hosts the annual love festival in the month of Jayadimtu, which lasts several days and attracts many high-ranking Layikani to the city looking for a suitable husband for themselves or their daughters.
Arranged marriages
"It takes an ember, not just a glow, to create fire."Layidian idiom-
Since only women with many firemarks have access to fire magic, the chosen ones are made sure that they have more firemarks than other men in their community. This means that sons can also represent a high position for their parents. If they have many port-wine stains on their temples, there is a good chance that their offspring and especially their daughters will also have many port-wine stains.
As a result, there are strong marriage policies and arranged marriages in old noble lines. Parents can negotiate high dowries for their sons. Since their sons move into the wife's household, the dowry enables them to make a living later if they do not have their own daughters to marry off.
During the wedding ceremony, the mothers of the bride and groom ask to say “I do”. If one of the mothers has already died, the role is taken over by an older sister or aunt.
"The more golden the chest, the more colorful the flames."LaySpran idiom-
Remedy against love
“Think with your heart and love with your mind.”LaySpran idiom-
Hui, das mir in einem "Liebes"-artikel, gleich das Einstiegszitat einen Schauer über den Rücken jagen würde ^^
Tolles Konzept der leidenschaftlichen Liebe, auch wenn ich das Gefühl habe das in Layida es dank der nicht auslöschbaren "Liebe" immer wieder zu hormongesteuerten Teenager- / Liebesrevolten kommt!
(so ein bischen bekomm ich bei den Feuermagoierin ein Jedi feeling "Keine Liebe erlaubt!")
-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Hmmmm & Neeeee & Ohhh! Es gibt kein Gesetz, dass man nicht lieben darf, die richtigen Feuermagierinnen und hohe Frauen vermeiden es nur. Das könnte allerdings zu Komplikationen in meiner Geschichte führen (wie bei Anakin?). Ansonsten hat die Kultur ja einen Liebesgott der glühenden Liebe. Bräuchte man den, wenn es verboten wäre? Und mit den Jedis kenn ich mich leider nicht so aus, bin eher Trecki oder Fremin - upps geoutet ;).
Ups, da hab ich das wohl falsch interpretiert - hab den Gott der "leidenschaftlichen" Liebe eher als Den den Gott der heftigen One-Night-Stands interpretiert, so wie das Fest in Kianis Geschichte beschrieben wird ^^" (Dein Outing ist kein Problem - solange niemand behaupted SW und ST wären das Selbe, ist alles gut ^^)
-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP