Human vs. Homo Elaqitanii

"Magic is the evil of our world! Humans are not made to control the elements. This was never intended by creation and must be prevented at all costs."

Dagon Sin, 1st leader of the rebellion at 2,952 BEC


Starting point

In the mid-4th millennium BEC during the Age of Enlightenment, mirror gates gradually emerged on Elaqitan for faster travel between each continent. Before that, the people of Idaka had little contact with the cultures of the continents of the elements. But now it was easier.

Humans recognized the power inherent in elemental magic. It not only influenced the nature of these lands, but also seemed to simplify the lives of the peoples living there. This fueled the envy of the Elaqitans, and the envious did everything they could to usurp these powers. Some humans succeeded, and over the next 250 years they ascended to Homo Elaqitanii. They infiltrated the upper classes of society, held important key positions and were able to take over the leadership of Idaka after a coup in 3,045 BEC.

Over the next two centuries, many people suffered more and more from the ascended and longed for the past - without magic.


  • 3,432 BEC Installation of first mirror gates on Idaka
  • 3,178 BEC Aruru Sha proclaims herself the first Homo Elaqitanii
  • 3,045 BEC Coup of the Homo Elaqitanii
  • 2,954 BEC Mirror Rebellion emerges
  • 2,823 BEC Idacian Mirror Battles begin
  • 2,820 BEC Defeat of the Mirror Rebellion
  • 2,810 BEC Major offensive against the portals
  • 2,800 BEC Portal Chain Reaction opens "Gateway" to Earth
  • 2,761 BEC thousands of people pass through gates to earth


Oppression, Decay & Mixing of Species

After the Homo Elaqitanii took power in Idaka, non-magical practicing Idacians were increasingly oppressed by the leaders. They had to do menial jobs for lower wages, received harsher sentences for even the simplest offences, lived in the poorest of conditions and were pushed to the fringes of Idacian society.

From the diary of Dagon Sin:
"It's a shame how this country is dying! Today I saw again some boys picking up the garbage from the streets for a handful of Akhad-Rubis, while on the other side of the street a fine magic-powered carriage churned everything up. Then it stopped them briefly and picked up a whore from the roadside."

Before the use of magic, Idaka was characterized by scientific and technological advances. This also receded more and more into the background in many parts of everyday life. Machines stood still, factories fell into disrepair and the sales market for Idacian products on the other continents slowly declined. Unemployment rose. Hunger and disease spread.

Excerpt from the "Idacian messenger", 2,976 BEC:
"Again a factory has had to close. This time Shama's watchmaking factory on Ubari Street in Alkash has been affected. A hundred workers were fired. As with the previous closures, these will also line up behind the people who stand on the side of the road every day in the hope of at least being able to do the work of a day laborer. ..."

Before the portals were erected, most Elaqitans kept to themselves. Now increasingly shady subjects from the other continents traveled to Idaka and mixed with the people. Another problem was the humans who used labs to experiment on Elaqitans to study and drain their magic.

Excerpt from the book "Human magic for beginners":
"...The easiest way for a woman to ascend to Elemental status is to be impregnated by an Elaqitanian. Experiments have shown that the predisposition to the magic of the embryo can pass into the woman's body through pregnancy. If the fetus dies in the body from the sap of the goldleaf tree, the body can also absorb the unborn child's residual magic predisposition. The dead fetus is expelled with the next hemorrhage in excruciating pain 50 times stronger than a woman's labor pains. ..."


Resistance stirs

Around 3,000 BEC, the Mirror Rebellion arose under Dagon Sin on Idaka, which gradually began to resist. At first they looked after the common people by collecting funds, caring for the sick or setting up soup kitchens.

Attacks on Homo Elaqitanii followed later and individual portals were destroyed. Attacks steadily increased until 2,830 BEC, forcing the Ituri royal house to use force against the Mirror Rebels. This culminated in the execution of Samun Usir, leader of the Sakal rebels, and led to the Idaki Mirror Battles, which riveted Idaka until it was crushed five years later.


End of the rebellion & way to a new world

After the rebellion was crushed in 2,820 BEC and some Mirror Gates destroyed, those followers who were not caught and executed fled to the Stink Swamp or Misty Wastes of Idaka. Some have been able to escape through intact portals to inhospitable areas on the other continents, such as the ice giants of Brictaelgis or the more desolate islands of Uluriqi, establishing small, secluded communities and operating underground.

However, ten years later, on the anniversary of the execution of the martyr Samun Usir, the scattered rebels unleashed another wave of destruction against the portals, causing a devastating chain reaction of epic proportions and paving the way to Earth as a new sanctuary for humans.
The execution of Samun Usir - unknown artist 2.805 BEC by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney

Cover image: Mensch vs. Homo Elaqitanii by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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Jul 6, 2023 21:40 by Emily Armstrong

Ooo very neat article! And love the design, as always. I keep eyeballing that timeline, it's so simple but really stands out in a great way! :D Great story, awesome article!

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
Jul 7, 2023 12:28

Awww, thank you so much for your lovely comment.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.